August 28, 2008

ATTN: Letters Editor
2131 Third Ave
San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Editor:

Your article on charter flights (“Business Jet Crashes Show Rise of Rule-Breaking Charter Brokers,” Aug. 26) negatively portrayed the entire charter industry, despite a historically strong safety record and stringent regulatory oversight of charter operators from the Federal Aviation Administration. The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) supports the government’s role in ensuring charter safety, and NBAA leads an initiative with the Department of Transportation to increase oversight of charter brokers without destroying the value reputable companies offer customers.

Although your broad mischaracterization of charter is disappointing, the Association agrees with one premise put forth in your story: customers should educate themselves when purchasing aircraft charter services, and NBAA and others provide guidance to the public at no cost. For example NBAA’s Aircraft Charter Consumer Guide, available for free on the charter page.


Ed Bolen
President and CEO
National Business Aviation Association