Do you have a message to share with NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) attendees, or a new innovative product or service you want to highlight at the show? Create a custom video advertising package with NBAA to expand your reach beyond the exhibit floor and the static display!
Act now to customize your video message for maximum engagement with NBAA members during the week of NBAA-BACE, Oct. 22-24 in Las Vegas – including the more than 23,000 business aviation professionals attending in person at the show, plus thousands more online across multiple digital platforms.
Professional television crews will be capturing show highlights, industry trends and one-on-one interviews with industry leaders on NBAA TV, which offers a creative, immersive experience for attendees and digital users alike to engage with your brand.
To give your message maximum reach at this year’s NBAA-BACE, choose one of the following high-impact options – for best value, daily sponsorships are also available!
Product Spotlight Interview – Outstanding Visibility On-Site and Online!
Schedule a 60-second custom video interview to be conducted by a dedicated professional TV crew right at your booth on the show floor or on the static display. This professionally shot and edited “product spotlight” will be broadcast on NBAA TV convention center monitors and digital channels on the day of your choosing, and your company will receive a high-definition copy for your company’s future marketing.
NBAA TV product spotlight advertisers will receive the following on-site and digital distribution on the day of your choosing:
- NBAA TV monitor rotation in a continuous loop on-site in high-traffic areas at Las Vegas Convention Center with exposure to 23,000 attendees
- TV rotation in a continuous loop in guest rooms at select Las Vegas attendee hotels
- NBAA.org Newsroom website
- NBAA Facebook and Twitter social media channels
- NBAA Events mobile app
Video Commercial – See Your Company’s Message in the NBAA TV Lineup!
Reserve air time on multiple TV and digital channels to promote your company’s pre-produced 20-second digital video ad or TV commercial to run alongside the NBAA TV daily highlights that are broadcast on-site on convention center monitors.
Your standalone video ad will also be distributed via the following NBAA TV digital channels on the day of your choosing:
- NBAA TV monitor rotation in a continuous loop on-site in high-traffic areas at Las Vegas Convention Center with exposure to 23,000 attendees
- TV rotation in a continuous loop in guest rooms at select Las Vegas attendee hotels
- NBAA.org Newsroom website
- NBAA Facebook and Twitter social media channels
- NBAA Events mobile app
Consider Daily Sponsorships for Best Value
Ask your sales rep about pricing for custom packages
For the best value, consider a daily sponsorship, where your company will receive not only the product spotlight interview and commercial air time at the distribution described above, but also the following additional high-visibility presence within NBAA TV content on the day of your choosing:
- Your company’s watermarked logo will appear for the duration of NBAA TV videos during show day
- The NBAA TV host will give verbal recognition of your company and encourage viewers to visit your exhibit booth for all packages during show day
Daily sponsorships are available for the following days during the week of NBAA-BACE:
- Media Day (Oct. 21)
- Day 1 (Oct. 22)
- Day 2 (Oct 23)
- Day 3 (Oct 24)
Other potential visibility for NBAA TV daily sponsors includes:
- Support for your NBAA-BACE Media Day planning
- Verbal recognition during major keynotes throughout the show
- Other customization of your video package upon request to help you craft an effective custom message for your target audience
Continue Your Message Into EBACE2020 in Geneva
Advertisers may also bundle your 2019 NBAA TV purchase with video advertising at the 2020 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE), May 26-28 in Geneva, Switzerland. Ask for more details about a two-show bundle!
To learn more and advertise with NBAA TV, contact the NBAA advertising sales team.