July 15, 2013
The House General Aviation (GA) Caucus, comprised of U.S. congressional representatives who recognize the importance of all general aviation, including business aviation, in the United States, recently achieved an unprecedented 197 members.
“The House GA Caucus is a powerful voice on behalf of the industry on Capitol Hill,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen. “The continued growth of this caucus underscores the bipartisan recognition in Congress that general aviation creates jobs, provides a transportation lifeline to communities across the country, helps businesses succeed and supports people and communities in times of crisis.”
Formed in 2009, the House GA Caucus – and its companion GA Caucus in the U.S. Senate – serves as an informal group of lawmakers, formed to promote the essential role the industry plays in local communities and the national economy. Both are among the largest and most active caucuses in Congress, and work to inform debates about policies impacting the general aviation community.
The House GA Caucus is co-chaired by Reps. Sam Graves (R-6- MO) and John Barrow (D-12-GA), while Sens. Mark Begich (D-AK) and Mike Johanns (R-NE) lead the Senate GA Caucus.
“It is also significant that this record membership was achieved less than nine months after the last election cycle,” Bolen noted. “This demonstrates not only the strong core of support for these caucuses among incumbent lawmakers, but also that general aviation is recognized as important among newly-elected legislators.”
Another key factor in the continued growth of the House and Senate GA Caucuses is active engagement between elected representatives and the constituents in their home districts on the importance of general aviation to their communities.
NBAA’s Contact Congress resource allows concerned Members to quickly and easily contact their representatives in Washington, DC and encourage them to support the House and Senate GA Caucuses, if they have not yet done so.