Feb. 16, 2018
After The Wall Street Journal published an inaccurate editorial attacking NBAA for its effective work in stopping airline-backed efforts to privatize ATC, the general aviation community quickly and forcefully responded on multiple fronts.
A point-by-point rebuttal to the editorial takes aim at each of the recycled, big airline talking points, providing the truth about how ATC privatization will harm small towns and communities while impeding ATC modernization. View the rebuttal.
“While The Journal dismisses the claim that an airline-centric board charged with running the ATC system will direct funds and other resources to the largest airline hubs, we have seen how the airlines behave and know this is a significant threat to general aviation,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen.
In targeting NBAA, the Journal failed to mention the more than 200 general aviation groups, more than 100 pilot-business leaders, mayors from every state and the majority of American citizens oppose turning over the ATC system to an airline-centric board.
Bolen and AOPA President and CEO Mark Baker submitted a letter to The Wall Street Journal editors challenging their inaccurate claims that small communities won’t be harmed by ATC privatization, and requesting the letter’s immediate publication.
Finally, in a call to action, Bolen urged NBAA members to let legislators on Capitol Hill know that GA continues to oppose H.R. 2997 or any other efforts to privatize ATC. “Even if you have contacted Congress before, take a few minutes and make contact again today, as it is critical for Capitol Hill offices to hear from our community on multiple occasions,” said Bolen. View NBAA’s Contact Congress resource.