July 19, 2017
H.R.2997, a bill to privatize ATC oversight, continues prompting an outpouring of activism from the business aviation community, with a host of voices ensuring they are heard with Congress – and urging others to do likewise – when it comes to the highly controversial legislation.
Jeff Hansen, president of the Utah Business Aviation Association in Salt Lake City, recently urged his state’s four U.S. House members to oppose the privatization effort.
“Our airspace belongs to the public and should be run for the public’s benefit, not a few special interests,” Hansen wrote in a letter to the lawmakers. Under the proposed legislation, he noted, ATC would be controlled by a not-for-profit corporation beyond the reach of Congress and unaccountable to the public.
“This unprecedented corporate giveaway would give unchecked power and control of our airspace and billions of dollars in taxpayer assets to special interests at great expense,” Hansen wrote. “This corporation would be able to tell all stakeholders where and when they could fly.”
To add your voice to the tens of thousands of concerned citizens speaking out against H.R. 2997 in letters, phone calls and social media, visit NBAA’s Contact Congress resource.