July 19, 2021

NBAA welcomes approval of the fiscal year 2022 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) funding bill by the House Appropriations Committee as it provides for continued support of aviation through prudent and responsible funding of programs critical to strengthening the sector’s contribution to the nation’s economy.

The legislation advances important goals advocated by NBAA and advances the FAA’s mission to support safe and open access to the National Airspace System and our more than 5,000 public-use airports.

View the fiscal 2022 THUD appropriations bill approved by the House Committee on Appropriations (PDF).

View the fiscal 2022 THUD appropriations report language (PDF)

Importantly for the general aviation community, the appropriations bill continues a key provision advocated by NBAA that codifies the Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed, or LADD, program by requiring the FAA to maintain enhanced privacy and security protections for business aircraft owners and operators.

This provision mandates that the FAA provide a program that allows private aircraft operators to block their Mode S transponder code, flight identification, call sign or similar identifying information from real-time or near real-time public tracking. Learn more about the LADD program.

At NBAA’s urging, the committee also directed the Department of Transportation to refocus the national infrastructure investments program known as RAISE on multi-modal, transformative projects, which can include critical infrastructure to support advanced air mobility (AAM) operations.

The fiscal year 2022 THUD appropriations bill also includes robust funding for the Airport Improvement Program and recognizes the important contribution of the NextGen Advisory Committee’s (NAC) to air traffic control modernization and the diversity of the NAC membership.

The committee also encourages the FAA to implement NAC recommendations and directs the agency to deliver an annual update on the status of NAC recommendations to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations.

“We thank Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro (D-3-CT), Ranking Member Kay Granger (D-12-TX), subcommittee Chairman David Price (D-4-NC) and Ranking Member Mario Diaz-Balart (R-25-FL), and the full committee for acknowledging the important role business aviation plays in our economy and for recognizing that robust support for infrastructure and technological advances, like AAM, will maintain our role as the world leader in aviation,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen.

“Approval of this legislation by the committee demonstrates a strong commitment to the general aviation community and supports business aviation’s drive to attract a new generation of diverse and inclusive professionals that will lead our industry to future success,” Bolen added.

With the successful committee approval of the fiscal 2022 THUD Appropriations Act, the bill will head to the full House of Representatives in the coming months. NBAA is also monitoring work on the Senate Appropriations process and will keep members informed as both chambers work toward a final bill.