April 24, 2019
NBAA depends on local and regional business aviation groups for grassroots advocacy, such as the recent fight against ATC privatization, so the association does its part to give back to these groups – largely through its regional representatives.
During just one week earlier this month, NBAA’s seven regional representatives attended or participated in nearly 40 events across the country. They represented business aviation and advocated for NBAA members at events ranging from Minnesota’s Aviation Day at the Capitol and the Greater Washington Business Aviation Association’s Safety Standdown to the Washington State Aviation Caucus and a Camden (NJ) youth program.
“Our value to members is the network that we have built through our many interactions with member and non-members in our industry, such as federal agencies, state and local governments, community organizations and media outlets,” said Steve Hadley, senior director of NBAA’s regional programs and Southwest regional representative. “Our network of knowledgeable contacts in the industry is critical to our success and that of NBAA.”
NBAA also provides online and printed resources for local and regional groups, ranging from an updated Guidelines for Business Aviation Groups document to templates new groups can use to structure their organization. View the NBAA Regional Business Aviation Groups Library.
But it’s the face-to-face interaction that largely makes NBAA’s regional programs a success.
Phil Derner, NBAA’s Western regional representative, has a far-flung region that includes California, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. “For my travels, I aim to meet with those attend events that will always further NBAA initiatives, such as workforce development events, legislative efforts or addressing local or national concerns among our membership to address the unique needs of each region,” said Derner.
“It’s important that we maintain a regular presence throughout the states we cover, as it is important that our members know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we, both as regional representatives and as an organization, are there for them,” he added.
“We attend airport manager meetings or local association board meetings to deliver NBAA’s perspective from many levels: national, regional, state, county or even citywide,” noted Brittany Davies, NBAA’s Northeast regional representative.
“Another large reason for our travel is to follow state and local legislation action and to work with local business aviation associations to advocate for the industry,” she said. “Whether that means testifying at the state capitol or listening to local constituents at an airport advisory board meeting, our presence at events is essential to being connected to the members in our region.”
On June 14, the NBAA Local and Regional Group Committee, along with the North Texas Business Aviation Association, will host the 2019 Local and Regional Group Leadership Roundtable in Dallas, TX, which offers regional group leaders the opportunity to share best practices and network with industry peers.
Attendance is limited to current local group leaders and those in the process of starting a new local or regional group. Learn more about the roundtable.