NBAA: House FAA Bill Is A “Big Airlines’ Grab”
This video features the opening statement provided by NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen at a Feb. 10 hearing by the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee regarding H.R. 4441, a bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration. The legislation, which is being pushed by most airlines, proposes the creation of a privatized air traffic control system, funded by user fees.
In conjunction with the hearing, NBAA issued a press release citing some of the points Bolen made in his testimony.
Immediately after the release of H.R. 4441 last week, NBAA issued a “Call to Action” encouraging those in the business aviation community to contact their members of Congress, and make their voices heard against ATC privatization funded by user fees. If you have responded to NBAA’s call, thank you; if you haven’t yet done so, please contact your elected officials about this important issue today by using NBAA’s online Contact Congress resource today.