Dec. 17, 2015
Officials at Wyoming’s Jackson Hole Airport (JAC) recommend avoiding scheduling of flights into or out of Jackson Hole between 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. local time during the upcoming holiday period due to a significant amount of scheduled commercial traffic during that time. Flight delays and ground congestion are likely during these times.
The heaviest days will be Dec. 26 to 29 and Jan. 1 to 3.
The airline ramp and associated taxiways will be overcrowded at times leading to gridlock for all aircraft. The deice pads will be backed up if deicing is required.
General aviation (GA) ramp parking will be additionally restricted over the entire period due to TSA relocating the SIDA line into the GA area. It may become necessary to initiate a prior parking reservation program. JAC officials are asking all GA operators to contact the airport ahead of arrival with arrival and departure information to ensure appropriate handling.
Jackson Hole Aviation (JHA) is requesting all arrivals to notify them in advance of their arrival date and time with anticipated stay if remaining overnight. This will enable JHA to be as prepared as possible to serve your needs.
All departures and quick turns are required to reserve a slot through the FBO to reduce congestion and predict ramp and manpower needs. There will be 12 slots per hour for quick turns and departures, six each. Please reserve slots as early as possible.
For departures, plan to be at your aircraft a minimum of two hours prior to departure to ensure adequate time for aircraft preparations. If possible, give JHA a fuel order upon arrival to reduce wait times for day of departure and quick turn fuel.
JHA will take hangar requests in advance. With limited hangar space available, requests will be honored in the order received. JHA cannot guarantee any hangar space requests due to the fact that based aircraft have priority and when all based aircraft are home, they are full.