Dec. 23, 2024
Pilots should expect increased usage of the Teterboro (TEB) RNAV (GPS) X Rwy 19 approach, the FAA recently advised through a Letter to Airmen.
The approach may be used as the primary approach during VFR conditions with winds favoring a south flow operation.
View the letter: Increased Advertising of the TEB RNAV (GPS) X RWY 19.
The primary goal for using this non-precision approach is to reduce noise impacts to Hackensack Medical Center and the adjacent residential area. This is part of an ongoing initiative between the surrounding communities, the airport and airport users to mitigate noise while maintaining beneficial airport access.
The RNAV (GPS) X Rwy 19 approach will only be used in VMC weather conditions. The ATIS will advise pilots when to expect the approach and pilots are encouraged to accept it whenever possible. If unable to accept the approach, pilots should advise Newark Approach on initial contact.
Guidance from Teterboro Airport advises pilots should note the following approach characteristics and recommended practices:
- The procedure features a 13-degree offset final approach segment, an LP minimum descent altitude of 880’, an LNAV MDA of 960’ and a visual descent point (VDP) to avoid the noise sensitive hospital complex.
- The controlling obstacle is the 693’ WABC-AM antenna tower, located 0.33 nm right of the final approach segment and 1.54 nm from the touchdown point. A crew following the procedure on the published 3-degree path will reach the VDP, 2.6 nm from the runway threshold at 880’, 187’ above and 1.06 nm to the left of the WABC antenna tower.
- At the VDP, pilots should commence their turn to align with the runway and establish a stabilized final no later than 500’ above field elevation.