Effective September 1, 2010
There are three NOTAMs issued by the FAA containing security related requirements for flights operating to, from, within, or transiting the territorial airspace of the U.S. NOTAMs 9/2788 and 9/2786 previously issued by the FAA will be canceled September 1, 2010, when this new guidance becomes effective. As a result of significant advocacy efforts by NBAA, greater operational flexibility has been built into the new NOTAMs without sacrificing security.
The majority of NBAA Member’s operating either U.S. or foreign registered aircraft will no longer require TSA waivers to conduct international flights to or from the U.S. Greater flexibility is also provided for certain foreign registered aircraft operating within U.S. airspace. TSA will utilize data collected through the CBP Advance Passenger Information System (APIS) to conduct vetting of international flights.
Definition of Key Terms in the NOTAMs
NOTAM 0/6499, effective September 1, 2010, defines terms that are necessary to understand the requirements. These terms include:
- Territorial Airspace of the U.S.: Airspace over the U.S., its territories and possessions, and the airspace overlying the territorial waters between the U.S. coast and twelve nautical miles from the U.S. coast.
- To or From: Applies to flights entering the U.S. Territorial Airspace after departure from a location outside the U.S. for landing within the U.S., or exiting U.S. Territorial Airspace after departure from the U.S., or exiting U.S. Territorial Airspace and returning to land in the U.S.
- Transit: Applies to flights departing from outside the U.S., which operate within the U.S. Territorial Airspace enroute to a location outside the U.S.
- Within: Applies to flights departing from inside the U.S. and operating within the U.S. Territorial Airspace.
NOTAM 0/6432: Aircraft with a MTOW of 100,309 Pounds or Less
This NOTAM applies to all U.S. or foreign registered aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 100,309 pounds or less. Operators will find details on the requirements for conducting flights to, from, or within the U.S. Review complete details on NOTAM 0/6432.
NOTAM 0/6433: Aircraft with a MTOW of More Than 100,309 Pounds
This NOTAM applies to all U.S. or foreign registered aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of more than 100,309 pounds. Operators will find details on the requirements for conducting flights to, from, or within the U.S. Review complete details on NOTAM 0/6433.