Feb. 13, 2019
Beginning with the Feb. 28, publication, the FAA’s Notices to Airmen Publication (NTAP) will be pared down with the elimination of Part 1, a listing of flight data center NOTAMs. The NTAP will still be issued every 28 days, with the agency continuing to review existing sections of the publication for possible elimination or streamlining.
For example, the elimination of Part 1 trimmed the current 477-page edition down to 152 pages.
Much of the information found in the NTAP is available in digital and other sources, and during meetings with industry professionals, the FAA was provided with numerous examples when material in the NTAP that was outdates or irrelevant. The change will not delete any NTAP information not available through other FAA sources.
“NBAA has been involved in safety panels in recent years to discuss streamlining the publication,” noted Ernie Stellings, senior manager at NBAA Air Traffic Services.
The US NOTAM Governance office updated its “Back-to-Basics” course on NOTAMs for airports and pilots.