Updated July 22, 2016
An FAA flight advisory and NOTAM outlining the details of the temporary flight restrictions (TFRs) has been released for the Philadelphia, PA area during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on July 24 to 28. Below, operators will find information on the individual TFRs, along with TSA screening procedures and gateway airport information.
View the FAA NOTAM for the DNC TFRs. (PDF)
Members are strongly advised to check NOTAMS in advance of any flights to Philadelphia during the convention. View FAA NOTAMs.
Additional TFRs in the Philadelphia area are possible from July 25 to 28 due to the president’s and vice president’s expected presence in the area during the DNC.
In summary, general aviation operations at Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) will be permitted as follows:
- Daily, from July 25 until July 28, between 0101 local (0501z) and 0959 local (1359z), operations into and out of PHL will be permitted without the need for gateway airports or TSA screening.
- Daily, from July 25 until July 28, between 1000 local (1400z) and 1500 local (1900z), operations into and out of PHL will NOT be permitted due to TSA screening being unavailable at the gateway airports and at PHL. (Note that the TFR NOTAM itself allows for operations during these times, but the lack of TSA screening supersedes that access.)
- Daily, from July 25 until July 28, between 1500 local (1900z) and 29/0100 local (29/0500z), operations into and out of PHL will be permitted with the use of the gateway airports and TSA screening.
View the FAA flight advisory for the DNC temporary flight restrictions. (PDF)
Gateway Airport Information
Aircraft not operating under a TSA-approved standard security program, who wish to arrive or depart PHL while the TFR is in effect, can arrange for TSA screening. However, TSA screening must be arranged at least 24 hours in advance of the planned arrival or departure by calling TSA at 215-863-4927.
For arrivals into PHL, TSA screening can be arranged at Westchester County Airport (HPN) or Harrisburg International Airport (MDT) which are the gateways for this TFR.
For departures out of PHL, screening must occur immediately prior to departure. TSA screening will be available daily between 1500 and 0000 local (1900z-0400z).
General Information on Gateway Airport Operations
As noted above, all aircraft requiring security screening at a gateway airport must register with the TSA telephonically at least 24 hours prior to the planned flight.
TSA security screening at the gateway locations will consist of ID verification of all passengers and crew, watchlist matching, physical screening of persons and baggage and inspection of the aircraft. Positive pilot identification procedures will be in effect during this TFR.
Special ATC procedures and routes to and from this airport may be assigned prior to departure from a gateway airport. Upon departing the gateway airport, all aircraft must be on a VFR or IFR flight plan, maintain radio contact with ATC and continuously squawk an ATC-assigned discrete transponder code. Intermediate stops are not authorized unless there is an emergency. If an intermediate stop occurs, aircraft will be required to return to a gateway airport to be re-screened prior to continuing flight into the TFR.