April 1, 2016

Runway 10L/28R at Port Columbus International Airport (CMH) will be closed for a rehabilitation project starting April 4.

The project, which will rehabilitate Runway 10L/28R and the associated connector taxiways, is expected to run through October 2016. The project also includes construction of paved runway shoulders, realignment of several connector taxiways and the installation of LED lights and signage.

The south side Runway 10R/28L will remain available with full precision approach capabilities. Several taxiways on the north side of the airport will also be closed during the project. However, Taxiways E, J (west of J3), J5, E5 and H will remain open so aircraft can access the north side facilities.

Operators should check NOTAMs to confirm taxiway and runway availability.

Review the Columbus Regional Airport Authority construction update. (PDF)