Updated Jan. 15, 2021
Presidential inaugurations historically generate large increases in air traffic headed to the Washington, DC area. Although this year’s Jan. 20 inauguration is expected to generate significantly lower volumes than in years past, a heightened security presence is expected, beyond that for recent inaugural events. If your business plans will take you to the Washington, DC area around the inauguration, there are a number of things to expect.
Washington Dulles International (IAD) Departure Slot Requirements
- At this time, departure slots will not be required for aircraft departing Washington Dulles/IAD in the Inauguration Week surrounding, Jan. 20.
- Also not required, but highly recommended, is that flight operators make a reservation with their FBO of choice.
- Reservations will keep airports apprised of volume and additionally serve possible added security protocols if a higher state of restriction is implemented.
Washington Dulles International (IAD) Parking Plans
- Most, if not all, parking will be accommodated at the FBOs. Any needed overflow will be handled by utilizing the holding blocks nearby. Closed runway parking is not expected.
Other DC Metro Area Airports
- All area airports are likely to see reduced traffic demand compared to years past.
- NBAA strongly recommends that aircraft operators who are planning to go to the inaugural event, contact their FBO of choice and make a reservation to both ensure that parking is available, and to receive advance instructions on any additional security or parking concerns.
Temporary Flight Restrictions
Temporary Flight Restrictions similar to the State of the Union events can be expected in the Washington, DC area during the extended inauguration weekend. TFR NOTAMs will be published well prior to this event.
Flight Advisory Special Security Event 2021 Inauguration (PDF)
In addition to this, NBAA Air Traffic Management Specialists at the FAA Air Traffic Control System Command Center provides impact statements for VIP TFRs, detailing the effects that these specific TFRs have on business and general aviation, including what airports and airspace might be affected.
Review VIP 91.141 TFR NOTAM Impact Statements.
Traffic Management Initiatives
FAA ATC initiatives are possible during times of peak demand. Increased demand will be addressed primarily with miles-in-trail restrictions, metering delays to the area, and if needed, ground delay programs and ground stops.
NBAA recommends that operators planning to be in the Washington, DC metro area during this event be subscribed to NBAA Airports/Airspace Alerts. As NBAA staff gets additional information about the inauguration, updates will be distributed through NBAA Airports/Airspace Alerts.
Learn more about NBAA Airports/Airspace Alerts.
Ground Travel Restrictions
There will be extensive street closures and vehicle restricted zones within Washington, DC through Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021.
Review the U.S. Secret Service Inauguration Transportation Plan.