March 30, 2016
Aircraft have been reporting difficulties at McKinnon St. Simons Island Airport (SSI) contacting ATC while on the airport grounds. SSI has no operating control tower.
To avoid blocking taxiways while attempting to establish communications with ATC, pilots should obtain IFR clearances prior to taxi.
In order to obtain IFR clearances in the most efficient manner at SSI, it is recommended to first contact Macon FSS for departure clearance. A secondary option is to contact Jacksonville Center for IFR departure clearance once airborne.
To cancel an IFR clearance, it is recommended to cancel with Jacksonvile Center prior to landing or contact Macon FSS once on the ground.
Aircraft should continue to communicate on UNICOM during taxi, departure and arrival.
An FAA letter to airmen has been published, and operators can access the letter via the FAA NOTAM search function, and entering SSI in the search field. View the letter to airmen.