April 27, 2022
If business takes you to the Las Vegas, NV, area later this week, in anticipation of increased traffic due to the NFL Draft, the Las Vegas TRACON issued a NOTAM that establishes a prior permission required (PPR) program for unscheduled and transient general aviation flights bound for Harry Reid International (LAS), North Las Vegas Airport (VGT) and Henderson Executive Airport (HND).
It will be in effect from Thursday, April 28, at 6 a.m. local time (1300Z) until Sunday, May 1, at 4:59 p.m. local time (2359Z).
“All transient unscheduled general aviation operations will need a PPR number from an FBO prior to their operation into one of these three airports during the specified time,” said Dean Snell, senior manager of NBAA Air Traffic Services. “This PPR program will provide the FAA, airports and FBOs situational awareness of the operation and confirm the availability of parking and operational services.”
Transient general aviation operators bound for LAS can obtain a PPR number directly from their preferred FBO, Atlantic Aviation or Signature Flight Support. More guidance is available by calling 702-261-7775. Operators should include their reservation number in the remarks section of their filed flight plans.
Those destined for the other two affected airports can obtain their PPR numbers online: Henderson Executive (HND) Reservation and North Las Vegas Reservation.