July 25, 2014
The FAA has released the new approval for automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast out (ADS-B Out) operations outside of U.S.-designated airspace.
In the past, the old paragraph, A353, had to be signed off from offices at the local, regional and national FAA offices. The new paragraph, A153, can be approved at the local flight standards district office. Not only does A153 require fewer signatures, but also the application package is less than 10 percent of the size of A353.
“This is a win for the industry,” said NBAA Project Manager, Operations Brian Koester. “This will be very beneficial for operators trying to conduct flights in places like Singapore, Hong Kong or Vietnam where ADS-B Out approval is required for operations above FL290.”
Some operators experienced significant delays in receiving approval for A353. For the more than 200 A353 approvals issued this year, the average approval took three-and-a-half months. Delays of this length restricted some operations to below FL290, where convective weather can be a significant issue.
The faster letter of authorization will allow more operators to take advantage of the satellite-based technology that improves ATC coverage from the World War II radar-based technology. The new technology provides air traffic controllers with an improved picture of the airspace. This allows for reduced separation and greater predictability in arrival and departure times for operators.
More information can be found in FAA Order No. 8900.269, or by contacting Koester at (202) 783-9454 or bkoester@nbaa.org.