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Those interested in earning the accreditation must meet program criteria and submit documentation. Review the timeline and steps for organizations to apply for the Sustainable Flight Department Accreditation.
1. Review Program Requirements
Before applying, review the criteria outlined in the program requirements and identify the accreditations for which your business aviation entity would like to apply. Use the Overarching Program Guidance Document to understand the accreditation program structure and scope, while acquiring a general knowledge of sustainability and the business aviation industry’s focus on emission reduction.
2. Gather Data, Documentation, and Develop a Strategy
Applicants will develop and draft their entity’s overarching and program specific sustainability strategy by using the appropriate Sustainability Strategy Template.
Applicants will gather the required data and documentation, and complete calculations to ensure they meet program minimums by referencing the Program Requirements Documents, Calculation Guides, and Worksheets. All guidance material can be found in the NBAA Learning Management System.
3. Submit Documentation and Payment
Payment is due at the time of application. Applicants will receive access to a secure online form (the Emissions Data Form) to submit their emissions numbers and upload all supporting documentation, including their sustainability strategy document.
Visit the NBAA store to pay the application fee and submit a short online application identifying which of the four accreditations your business aviation entity is setting out to achieve. Payment will be due at the time of application.
Prepare for the audit by gathering supporting documentation for your business aviation entity. All supporting documentation must be submitted via the secure online form by the deadline.
The Emissions Data Form guides outline the form questions and correspond to other guidance material. You will receive the submission forms directly from NBAA once payment is received.
4. Business Aviation Entity is Audited
Your online submission and supporting documentation are reviewed in a desktop audit by NBAA. This process may include follow-up interviews and requests for additional information and documentation. A select number of applicants will also be audited in-person.
5. Accreditation is Awarded
Applicants will be notified of their award or denial of accreditation following their audit. Accreditation is granted for a three year period.
Business aviation entities that are not granted accreditation or whose accreditation is revoked by NBAA may request reconsideration of the adverse decision using the appeals process.
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