July 6, 2022
The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) announced the deadline for operators to register for new EU passenger entry requirements will be pushed to the spring of 2023.
All carriers flying passengers into the EU must register for the two new passenger entry programs. Certain operators will be required to query the new Entry/Exit System (EES) and European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) to verify details regarding travels arriving to the 26 countries that make up the Schengen Area. Previously, the deadline to register for EES was September 2022 and the deadline for ETIAS was May 2023.
A “carrier” is defined as any natural or legal person, whose profession it is to provide transport of persons, according to Schengen Border Code article 2.15. The entry requirements apply to Part 135 and 125 operations, as well as certain Part 91 operations. However, NBAA and others are still working with eu-LISA to determine the impact of new entry requirements on Part 91 operations.
A single query of both the EES and the ETIAS will help identify potential risks and security concerns, including terrorism and serious crimes, as well as epidemic risks, while ensuring compliance with overall visa requirements.
In a call with the Carriers Working Group, including NBAA and other industry stakeholders, European Commission and eu-LISA representatives said the deadline push would allow the agencies to finish developing and implementing the EES.
“Representatives acknowledged recent delays in responses to carriers, and are working to address those delays,” said Brian Koester, CAM, NBAA’s director of flight operations and regulations. “Operators who meet the descriptions of ‘carriers,’ and travel regularly to Europe, should still begin the registration process for these programs as soon as possible, despite the postponed deadline.”
The EC is expected to formally announce the new deadline for EES registration later this month.