Nov 30, 2018
A recent Airports Authority of India AIP supplement announced that aircraft flying certain PBN routes in Indian airspace must be equipped with ADS-B Out beginning Jan. 1, 2019.
Specifically, all aircraft flying PBN routes in Indian continental airspace with Designators L, M, N, P. Q, T and routes A201, A347, A465. A474, A791, B211, B466. G450, R457, R460, R461, W15, W19, W20, W29, W41, W43, W45, W47, W56S/N, W67, W111, W112, W114, W115, W118, W153, at or above flight level 290 must carry serviceable 1090 MHz ES ADS-B transmitting equipment.
Aircraft not equipped with ADS-B will be permitted to fly these routes below flight level 290.
“Although the FAA mandate for ADS-B Out compliance is Jan. 1, 2020, aircraft operators need to be aware of varying compliance dates for the airspace in which they fly,” said Doug Carr, NBAA’s vice president of international and regulatory affairs. “Indian PBN routes are just one example of regulatory requirements that differ from FAA requirements.”
ADS-B equipment must meet equipage certification requirements and aircraft operational approval in accordance with one of the sources below:
- European Aviation Safety Agency – Certification considerations for the enhanced ATS in non- radar areas using ADS-B Surveillance (ADS-B-NRA) application via 1090 MHZ Extended Squitter (AMC 20-24), or
- European Aviation Safety’ Agency – Certification specifications and acceptable means of compliance for airborne communications, navigation and surveillance (CS-ACNS) Subpart D – Surveillance (SUR) (CSACNS.D.ADS-B), or
- FAA- Advisory Circular No: 20-165A (or later versions) airworthiness approval of ADS-B Out systems, or
- The equipment configuration standards in Appendix XI of Civil Aviation Order 20.18 of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia.
Indian operators must meet the provisions of Civil Aviation Requirement Section 8, Aircraft Operation. Series 8. Part V, issue 1, 25th Nov. 2014 and Operational Circular No. 17/2014.
Aircraft operators must indicate the appropriate ADS-B designator in item 10 of the ICAO Flight Plan form.
“This requirement is just another example for operators flying internationally to adequately prepare for different equipment and operating standards, including a review of recent or upcoming equipage requirements or other regulatory changes,” added Carr.