May 1, 2020
Two more business aircraft and equipment manufacturers are taking on the global COVID-19 crisis by donating, distributing or producing personal protective equipment (PPE) – Honeywell and Bombardier Business Aircraft.
Aircraft equipment manufacturer and aviation service provider Honeywell expanded its Phoenix Engines campus and modified capabilities at a Rhode Island facility to produce N95 face masks. These expansions enable the company to produce more than 20 million N95 face masks each month.
“Everyone was excited and eager to help with this cause,” said Conor Ryan, Honeywell’s Smithfield, RI, plant director. “[After the first masks rolled off the production line], we clapped at the accomplishment, then got back to making them.”
Honeywell plants in Muskegon, MI, and Seelze, Germany are producing hand sanitizer. The hand sanitizer produced in Michigan will be donated to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
“Honeywell is proud of the role we are playing in providing critical equipment for the fight against the coronavirus,” said Darius Adamczyk, Honeywell chairman and CEO.
Meanwhile, Bombardier Business Aircraft has donated PPE, made financial donations and produced face shields. The company recently donated PPE to nursing homes and the Quebec government.
Bombardier is also collaborating with O-Two Medical Technologies Inc. on a ventilator production project. The Bombardier Transportation Thunder Bay Plant, in Ontario, Canada, will help manufacture 18,000 ventilators for hospitals in Ontario.
“After several collaborative discussions and gaining a full understanding of what was needed to produce these life-saving devices, it was clear that Bombardier’s plant in Thunder Bay could play a sub-manufacturing role and help O-Two produce this critical medical equipment for the government of Ontario,” Bombardier said in a statement.
The ventilator project will take three to four months to complete.