Ensuring Safety and Preventing Future Incidents
Intentional laser strikes are a growing threat to business aviation. In 2023, 13,304 laser strike incidents were reported to the FAA, an increase of over 3,800 from the previous year. NBAA recognizes the danger these incidents pose, and provides resources to assist pilots both during and after a laser strike.
Laser Strike Resources
Laser Hazards in Aviation, Dr. Quay Snyder, Aviation Medicine Advisory Service
FAA Laser Incident Reporting Form
FAA Laser Beam Exposure Questionnaire (PDF)
FAA Advisory Circular 70-2B, Reporting of Laser Illumination of Aircraft
FAA Brochure: Laser Hazards in Navigable Airspace (PDF)
ICAO Doc 9815 – Manual on Laser Emitters and Flight Safety (PDF)