Loss of control Inflight (LOC-I) refers to incidents in which flight crews have temporarily, or completely, lost the ability to maintain control of an aircraft in flight. In this series of eight videos, Paul BJ Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions, presents LOC-I content based on NBAA’s Single-Pilot Safety Standdown.
Video 1 — Welcome
Runtime: 2:31
In the first of eight videos based on NBAA’s 2015 Single-Pilot Safety Standdown, Paul BJ Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions, breaks down the objectives of the video series, which include training pilots to diagnose LOC-I risks and exploring the best ways to safely react to potentially hazardous situations.
Video 2 — Overview
Runtime: 13:45
In the second of eight videos based on NBAA’s 2015 Single-Pilot Safety Standdown, Paul BJ Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions, provides an overview of the severe threat loss of control inflight incidents can pose to pilots.
Video 3 — Critical Window
Runtime: 15:01
In the third of eight videos based on NBAA’s 2015 Single-Pilot Safety Standdown, Paul BJ Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions, discusses common factors that can lead to an airplane upset.
Video 4 — Industry Update
Runtime: 7:27
In the fourth of eight videos based on NBAA’s 2015 Single-Pilot Safety Standdown, Paul BJ Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions, gives an update on industry efforts to reduce loss of control inflight incidents.
Video 5 — Upset Training Paradox
Runtime: 14:45
In the fifth of eight videos based on NBAA’s 2015 Single-Pilot Safety Standdown, Paul BJ Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions, analyzes strategies for taking early, effective action to prevent loss of control.
Video 6 — Pilot Vulnerabilities
Runtime: 9:27
In the sixth of eight videos based on NBAA’s 2015 Single-Pilot Safety Standdown, Paul BJ Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions, looks at hazards that make pilots vulnerable to an airplane upset.
Video 7 — Snapping Out of It
Runtime: 19:52
In the seventh of eight videos based on NBAA’s 2015 Single-Pilot Safety Standdown, Paul BJ Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions, talks about regaining situational awareness during a time-critical life-threatening crisis.
Video 8 — LOC-I Toolkit
Runtime: 16:18
In the last of eight videos based on NBAA’s 2015 Single-Pilot Safety Standdown, Paul BJ Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions, explores the tools pilots have at their disposal to mitigate the risks of loss of control inflight accidents.