Mobile App Quick Guide – 2024 NBAA-BACE

Get the Mobile App!
Create Your Planner Account
- Select Planner from the bottom bar or My Show Planner from the Menu.
- Tap “Create a Free Account”.
- Use your Badge ID/Confirmation for the “Badge ID” field.
- This can be found in your NBAA-BACE registration confirmation email with the subject “2024 NBAA-BACE – Registration Confirmation” sent from
- Use the email that this confirmation was sent to for the “Registration Address” field.
Planner Functions
- Within your planner you can save sessions, exhibitors, products, collateral, and contacts
- Collateral and Contacts that you have saved as you use the app will be saved here, as well as any exhibitors or sessions that you bookmark while using the app.
Adding Sessions and Exhibitors to your Schedule
- From the planner, select Search for Sessions or Browse Exhibitors.
- Use Search and Sort & Filter to find sessions you are interested in.
- Tap the bookmark icon to save a session to your planner and schedule.
- You will now see saved sessions in your schedule.
- To remove a saved session, open it from the planner and tap the bookmark icon again.
- To add additional sessions from the planner, use View full schedule
Personal Events
- Under Schedule, select Add Personal Event.
- Enter your event subject, start time, end time and notes, then tap Save.
- Personal items can only be viewed with the rest of saved schedule items by tapping View Full Schedule.
- Note that personal items cannot be edited, so if one needs to be changed, it must be deleted and re-entered.
Floor Plan – Getting Directions
Open the Floor Plan from the home tile or the bottom bar.
- Tap to select a booth, then tap Get Directions.
- Enter all or part of an exhibitor name that has a booth near you.
- Select the exhibitor’s booth from the list shown.
- The map will show a starting point, ending point and a line between the two.
Open Exhibitors from the home tile or the bottom bar.
- Select an exhibitor and, from their listing, tap “Find Booth (number)”
- The full map will open, showing the exhibitor name, booth number and a pointer to the booth location.
- Tap Get Directions.
- Enter all or part of an exhibitor name that has a booth near you.
- Select the exhibitor’s booth from the list shown.
- The map will show a starting point, ending point and a line between the two.
Searching the App
Use the magnifying glass icon from any screen where you see it. All searches are global across the app and will return keyword results from exhibiting company names, descriptions and categories; and session names and descriptions.
Sort & Filter
Lists within Exhibitors and Sessions have a Sort & Filter button for refining the information you’re looking for.
- Sort & Filter within Exhibitor Lists.
- Sort by Hall to list exhibitors in Hall, then Booth Order.
- Sort by Name to list exhibitors by Name.
- Filter to Narrow Results.
- Filter by Alpha to list only exhibitors within a letter (B, for example).
- Filter by State to list only exhibitors within a state or international province.
- Sort & Filter within Sessions (after selecting Type or Date).
- Sort by Date to list sessions in date order.
- Sort by Name to list sessions by name order.
- Filter to Narrow Results.
- Filter by Type to list only sessions of a particular type (Education Sessions, for example).
- Filter by Speaker to list only sessions with a particular speaker (Ed Bolen, for example).
- Filter by Tracks to get a list of sessions Eligible for CAM Credit.
Open Networking from the home tile or the Menu.
If you do not see a screen that says Messages | Contacts | Blocked Users, select Chat to access this screen.
When setting up your networking, you have the following options. Note that these settings may be changed at any time by selecting My Profile.
- Allow attendees to send messages via chat (Yes/No).
- Selecting No opts you out completely from all messaging.
- Selecting Yes allows you to make further selections.
- Other selections within the setup, if you are allowing chat, identify who may message you, how often you are notified, interests and topics that you would like to be contacted about.
- View Contacts
- Browse by Exhibitor Contacts or All Contacts
- earch contacts by name, title or company
- Filter by Role, Online status, and if already in Contact list
- To initiate a Chat, tap on a user, and select Chat.
- A message window will open up, then type and tap Send Message.
- Notifications will be sent to you on the schedule you selected.
- If there is a chat in progress, you will see that here. You can access it at any time by finding the contact through the Contacts list.
- To Block a user, tap the Block icon. You will be asked to confirm before finalizing and can unblock users if needed
Any person who attends an NBAA convention, conference, seminar or other program grants permission to NBAA, its employees and agents (collectively "NBAA") to record his or her visual/audio images, including, but not limited to, photographs, digital images, voices, sound or video recordings, audio clips, or accompanying written descriptions, and, without notifying such person, to use his or her name and such images for any purpose of NBAA, including advertisements for NBAA and its programs.