Aircraft that are used in a trade or business or for the production of income, primarily operated domestically, and not used in common or contract carriage may be depreciated over a five year Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) schedule. Aircraft used in common or contract carriage (e.g., Part 135) are depreciable under seven-year MACRS.

Following is the MACRS schedule for Part 91:

Year Percentage Deduction
1 20.00%
2 32.00%
3 19.20%
4 11.52%
5 11.52%
6 5.76%

Following is the MACRS schedule for Part 135:

Year Percentage Deduction
1 14.29%
2 24.49%
3 17.49%
4 12.49%
5 8.93%
6 8.92%
7 8.93%
8 4.46%