March 18, 2010
As of Thursday morning, the proposed 0.5 percent excise tax on all aircraft owners in Washington State is still under consideration by the state legislature. Observers say the bill may pass as early as tomorrow night, March 19.
“If we don’t continue to fight this tax, we are going to be stuck with it,” said John Dobson, president of the Washington Pilots Association, also a member of the newly formed Washington Aviation Coalition. “Letters, emails, phone calls, personal visits, whatever it takes, whatever you can do….now is the time!”
The proposed tax would replace the current state aircraft registration fee, imposing a new annual state tax ranging from $1500 for a new Cessna 172 to $50,000 for a business jet valued at $10,000,000.
Since the aircraft excise tax proposal was introduced in February, NBAA has issued four Call to Action alerts for Association Members in Washington State and has been working with other national aviation organizations and state aviation groups to defeat the ill-considered measure.
“Washington State’s airports are already hurting, there is less business flying, jobs have been lost, companies are threatening to move out of state and this tax will only make it worse,” said Kristi Ivey, NBAA Northwest Regional Representative. “And what example do you think this sets for other states as they wrestle with their own budget problems?”
To access NBAA resources for contacting Washington state legislators and making your voice heard, visit the NBAA Call to Action: Proposed Washington State Tax Increase on Aircraft.