April 16, 2009
Dear NBAA Member,
As a fellow member of the business aviation community, you know that the people and companies in our industry are grappling with one of the worst economic storms anyone has ever seen. And the situation is made all the more daunting because of some of the negative characterizations about business aviation that have come from Washington.
Harmful public statements and the negative perceptions they foster about business aviation are adding insult to the injury already done to our industry by the economy. In short, we have been under attack and our response must be comprehensive and sustained.
That’s why, on April 8, NBAA’s Board of Directors unanimously agreed to request a voluntary 50 percent dues assessment of all Members. Given economic realities, we know that not every NBAA Member will be able to step forward and be counted. But we also know ours is not a community that leaves the heavy lifting to others.
The funds raised from this assessment will be dedicated to advancing NBAA’s work through No Plane No Gain – www.noplanenogain.org – and other industry advocacy efforts to educate policymakers and opinion leaders about the value of business aviation to citizens, companies and communities across the U.S. The campaign highlights the critical role business aviation plays in generating more than a million jobs, providing a transportation lifeline to communities with little or no airline service, helping companies work more efficiently and productively, and delivering emergency relief to people in times of need.
In the two months since the campaign’s launch, No Plane No Gain has told the industry’s good-news story through a variety of initiatives, including:
- Television advertising on public affairs programs, including ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” FOX’s “FOX News Sunday,” CBS’s “Face the Nation” and NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
- Print advertising in national newspapers like The Wall Street Journal and USA Today, as well as in periodicals read by lawmakers and opinion leaders including Roll Call, The Hill and Politico.
- Interviews conducted with television affiliates, newspapers and radio stations across the country.
- Utilization of new media, including a dedicated web site and other online venues, to help promote viral delivery of the campaign’s message.
Clearly, the work of the No Plane, No Gain campaign over the last two months has been significant, and it is beginning to have an impact. But this effort must continue. We must send a clear and unequivocal message to decision-makers in Washington: Business aviation is essential in America today.
Your Association has committed considerable resources to sustain this fight, but more is needed and we can’t do it alone. Across our community, companies and individuals are stepping up to do their part, and we need your help as well. As the chairman of NBAA, I am asking you for a one-time investment of half of your annual dues to help ensure that our advocacy effort can continue. The voluntary assessment will be billed in conjunction with your annual membership renewal.
I hope you will choose to help us fight to protect our industry at this critical time.
Jeff Lee,
Chairman, Board of Directors,
National Business Aviation Association