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President’s Perspective

International Business Flying Is Back

COVID has made planning and executing overseas missions more challenging, but operators are demonstrating their resilience by adapting.

As anyone who has planned an overseas trip during the last two years can attest, the task has become much more difficult since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

The advice that seasoned international operators provide is essentially to check and then re-check plans up to – and even during – a trip to ensure compliance with ever-shifting rules and regulations related to local efforts to mitigate the risks of COVID-19.

The planning approach of Ron Renz, who flies regularly to Canada, is instructive (see page 16). To ensure that he has the latest information needed for cross-border flying, Renz checks with the appropriate authorities multiple times prior to takeoff. “I call one week ahead, 24 hours ahead and the morning of the departure,” he says.

Checking to make sure you have all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed is sound advice. But what if you need help planning an international trip, either because you have never visited the destination before, or don’t have the in-house capabilities to obtain permits and secure fuel, ground support, catering and the other services needed to execute an international trip?

NBAA can help. To start, visit our International Operations web page, where you will find a host of resources, including international news by region, a summary of customs and international regulatory issues, oceanic flight information and an international feedback database, which provides information about specific destinations.

We also recently produced an NBAA News Hour webinar titled “Flying Out of the COVID-Era: Do’s and Don’ts for International Missions,” which featured three members of NBAA’s International Operations Committee reviewing the most common oceanic errors.

Besides the international operations feature stories contained in this issue of Business Aviation Insider, this edition also includes an international operations regulatory FAQ, an article on NBAA’s new partnership with G3 Global Services to process travel requests, along with a list of other NBAA international resources.

By attending NBAA’s International Operators Conference, to be held March 14-16 in Los Angeles, CA, operators can learn about a variety of overseas subjects and network in-person.

Finally, as this magazine goes to print, NBAA and the European Business Aviation Association are finalizing plans for the 2022 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2022), which will be held May 23-25 in Geneva, Switzerland. The event will feature a robust lineup of topics and experts to address your international mission planning needs.

As the pandemic wanes, entrepreneurs and companies are eager to pursue business opportunities worldwide. NBAA stands ready to support you.

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