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Pro Tips

Help Others While Helping Yourself

Is it possible to donate time to a cause you believe in, while also meeting like-minded people across the business aviation community? Yes, there actually are places where volunteering and networking intersect.

“They really go hand in hand,” said Anna Lovelace, senior account manager at Universal Weather and Aviation. “You just never know the lasting impact you can have on someone’s life.” Lovelace is founder and president of the non-profit Wings of Love. “It’s not just about helping children, but also connecting with people at our events. You might be that door for someone to get their career started in aviation. When people volunteer to help at Wings of Love events, you start walking around looking at name tags and asking people what they do,” she said. “That’s how it begins.”

Jet HQ Sales Engineer Hannah O’Malley Wolf co-chairs the marketing and events working group for the NBAA Young Professionals in Business Aviation (YoPro) Council. The council integrates “Helpy Hours” and “Helpy Days” into networking opportunities that give back to the community. During a networking reception at the 2023 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) YoPros partnered with Clean the World. “Our attendees spent a little time putting together hygiene kits that we donated for local people who were living in shelters or were homeless,” Wolf said. It’s important to think about why you’re volunteering. “It’s knowing there are things going on in your life, whether it’s career or personal, that give you fulfillment,” said Wolf. “Volunteering means understanding you can give back to a group or organization.”

“If your networking, at its baseline, is for a good purpose, it's going to have a positive impact on your career. ”

HANNAH O’MALLEY WOLF, Sales Engineer, Jet HQ

For those who might feel awkward about having dual motives, be transparent. “Just tell the organizer that you want to volunteer, but that you’re also looking to connect with people in the aviation industry. Say something like, ‘I don’t know anyone, but I see you’re hosting this event; would you mind if I came and helped out, but also connected with people while I’m there? Would you be open to that?’” Lovelace, a nonprofit event organizer, says she is always moved by people interested in giving their time to a cause that speaks to them. “That’s why my answer is always, ‘How can I help you?’”

“Finding a group that you truly connect with is a key to success,” said Wolf. “If your networking, at its baseline, is for a good purpose, it’s going to have a positive impact on your career.”

Learn more about the Young Professionals in Business Aviation (YoPro) at

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