One of most pervasive issues before NBAA’s Safety Committee is the issue of loss of control inflight (LOC-I) accidents and how to prevent them. Paul “BJ” Ransbury, the committee’s lead for the Loss of Control Working Group, said traditionally the focus in preventing these accidents has been on distraction and automation management, pilot monitoring and situational awareness – but those lines of defense are great until they don’t work. Ransbury said the focus should also be on recovery training, and specifically stall threats, as nearly 50 percent of LOC-I accident are related to a stall in some way.
The NBAA Safety Committee Single Pilot Safety Working Group produced this video and story of John, a single owner-pilot who finds himself in a loss of control situation.
Loss of control in flight (LOC-I) remains a significant safety concern all across aviation. Utilizing upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) training in an aircraft, combined with simulator training and ground instruction, provide a multi-pronged way to minimize LOC-I risk.
Loss of control inflight remains a top safety focus area for NBAA’s Safety Committee. Industry-wide, aviation professionals are working together to develop best practices to mitigate loss of control inflight incidents.
The NBAA Safety Committee has launched a new program featuring loss of control inflight (LOC-I) prevention resources for pilots of all experience levels.