Washington, DC, April 26, 2000 – The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) cordially invites the media to attend the world’s largest exhibition and informational forum devoted solely to civil aviation – the NBAA 53rd Annual Meeting & Convention, October 10–12, 2000, in New Orleans.
The Association reports record requests for 10-foot by 10-foot booth spaces for this year’s Convention – currently up 16 percent from last year at this time. In addition, a record number of informational sessions also are planned. Aircraft will be on Static Display at Lakefront Airport. Free shuttle bus service is available between all NBAA block hotels and the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, as well as between the Convention Center and the Static Display.
Press badges, which are required for security purposes to gain entry into the exhibit hall and all technical meetings, will be issued at no charge to editors, reporters and camera personnel. Press credentials may be obtained in the NBAA Press Room at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center by presenting a business card or suitable identification. The media may register in advance by filling out the form in the attached Preliminary Program, by visiting the NBAA Web site at www.nbaa.org/pressroom, or by request to the NBAA Public Relations Department at (202) 783-9362.
PRESS BADGES (even for those who register in advance) WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP ON SITE IN THE PRESS ROOM ONLY; THEY WILL NOT BE MAILED TO REGISTRANTS IN ADVANCE. Please contact the NBAA Convention & Seminars Department at (202) 783-9282 for registration information if someone other than media from your organization wishes to attend the Convention.
Press badges do not cover admission to the NBAA Awards Banquet. Tickets are required for the Banquet and may be purchased in the Registration area of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. The Banquet sells out early, so please order your tickets as soon as possible.
Co-sponsored by Bombardier Aerospace, Business Aircraft and by Sextant Avionique, Inc., the Press Room will open at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, October 9 – one day before the official exhibit floor opening. The Press Room is equipped with telephones, computers, fax machines and other electronic hookups, as well as a quiet area where members of the media may conduct personal conferences and interviews. Light snacks and beverages are provided throughout the day.
Press conferences will be held in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, October 9. Due to high demand for press conferences, there will be three Press Conference Rooms in close proximity to the NBAA Press Room. A schedule of press conferences is issued in early October and a final listing posted in the Press Room on October 10. Press conferences are scheduled to give maximum coverage by the press without conflicts; only those press conferences scheduled through NBAA will be listed. Exhibitors also may schedule invitation-only press events in hotels, at their booths, or at other locations, although we encourage use of official NBAA press facilities to avoid conflicting events.
NBAA will host its annual Kickoff Media Breakfast on Tuesday, October 10, at 7:15 a.m. in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Members of the media are cordially invited to attend. NBAA will announce the winners of the 2000 Gold Wing Awards for Reporting Excellence. The Platinum Wing Award for Lifetime Achievement also will be presented. For a Gold Wing Award application, please contact the NBAA Public Relations Department at (202) 783-9362 or visit our Web site at www.nbaa.org.
Convention Attendees should leave telephone and room numbers with family and at the office to receive messages. In addition, there will be an NBAA Message & Information Center, sponsored by Pan Am International Flight Academy, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. The phone number will be announced this summer.
NBAA represents the aviation interests of over 6,100 companies which own or operate general aviation aircraft as an aid to the conduct of their business, or are involved with business aviation. NBAA Member Companies earn annual revenues approaching $5 trillion — a number that is about half the gross domestic product — and employ more than 19 million people worldwide. The NBAA Annual Meeting & Convention is the world’s largest display of civil aviation products and services.