Contact: Cassandra Bosco
Washington, DC, December 4, 2000 – The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), through the efforts of its Schedulers & Dispatchers Committee and Professional Development Program, has created a professional training program specifically for business aviation schedulers and dispatchers.
This program, known as the Schedulers Professional Development Program (SPDP), will provide courses geared to help schedulers and dispatchers improve their job performance and learn communications and leadership skills. The SPDP uses elements of the already established NBAA Professional Development Program ( but tailors them to the needs of corporate schedulers. In addition, credit earned for SPDP courses is applicable toward the overall NBAA Professional Development Program.
The NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Committee will offer the first SPDP course on Monday and Tuesday, January 29 and 30, 2001, in conjunction with the Association’s 12th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference, to be held at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville from January 30 to February 2. Air Routing International Corporation will present this two-day course, which will focus on international procedures.
The Air Routing International Procedures course will cover issues related to international flying, such as rules and regulations, country requirements, security, airports, FBOs, special use airspace and flight planning. Other key topics discussed will be destination weather, slot times, flight physiology and overflight/landing permits. The course is designed for business aviation flight departments that do international flying as well as schedulers seeking additional job training in general.
In addition to the January 2001 Air Routing SPDP course, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), located in Daytona Beach, FL, currently offers the following 11 SPDP-approved courses:
These courses are available in a distance-education format via the Internet that enables each student to progress at his or her own pace. ERAU students must contact NBAA to enroll in SPDP and update the Association on their progress.
For more information about the NBAA Schedulers Professional Development Program, contact NBAA Senior Manager, Airmen & Commercial Services Jay Evans at (202) 783-9353 or For more information about the ERAU SPDP classes in particular, contact the ERAU Corporate Aviation Management Certificate Program Manager, Scottie Slater-Visser, directly at (800) 359-4550.
NBAA represents the aviation interests of over 6,300 companies which own or operate general aviation aircraft as an aid to the conduct of their business, or are involved with business aviation. NBAA Member Companies earn annual revenues approaching $5 trillion — a number that is about half the gross domestic product — and employ more than 19 million people worldwide. The NBAA Annual Meeting & Convention is the world’s largest display of civil aviation products and services.