Hear from CAMs in their own words about how the Six Months to CAM program helped them achieve their goal of passing the CAM exam.
“Some of the best assets of Six Months to CAM were the course structure, peer motivation and set testing dates. These components, along with a vigorous study regimen, will ensure a successful CAM exam result! Great job CAM board!”
Rodney Vega, CAM Aviation Manager, EAC Air LLC
“The NBAA Six Months to CAM Program is a highly valuable investment for any professional looking to earn their CAM certification. In addition to having access to a well-structured study plan and guide, you will have the opportunity to join a study group where you can learn, collaborate and network with fellow BizAv professionals with various levels of expertise across the CAM exam domains.”
Gil Lopez, CAM Director – Flight Coordination and Safety
“Before this course was offered, I was overwhelmed with the sheer volume of material that is included. I did not really know where to start or how to study for the exam. This course lays a structured and logical order for studying the material.
“I found the calls that were led by current CAMs to be most beneficial. These individuals had already taken the exam and gave great insight into what worked for them – and what didn’t work.
“Most beneficial for me personally was having a deadline to complete the exam. I had been procrastinating for quite some time and having a structured study guide with a deadline forced me to stay on task.”
Bobby Rosser, CAM Training Coordinator, Captain
“Six Months to CAM is an opportunity to enhance your knowledge and focus on CAM studies and exam. The program provides best practices and improves your efficiency in pursuit of the certificate. Moreover, it brings invaluable networking with CAMs and other business aviation professionals who are on the same journey.”
Eloy Freitas, CAM Quality Engineering & Aircraft Programs, Senior Manager, Clay Lacy
“I recommend Six Months to CAM, because it is a great way to have all the material and topics organized, so that study is easier to follow. When you think about all the material you have to cover, it is difficult to know where to start and how to proceed. The program guides you, so you feel you are covering what is important, and also pushes you to stick to a schedule, so you don’t leave it as just a New Year’s resolution. Tests are also very helpful to make you better prepared for the exam.”
Jorge Poveda, CAM Manager, Aviation Department, Wekel, S.A.
“From an aspiration to reality, Six Months to CAM accelerated my CAM journey by facilitating excellent preparatory guidance, support and community encouragement.”
Kevin Brown, CAM Chief Pilot & System Integration Manager, Southern Company
“The Six Months to CAM program allowed me to network with others pursuing the same goal at the same time. It also created structure for my self-studying. The speakers and videos helped me build knowledge in areas in which I wasn’t as strong.
“NBAA created some excellent content, and I hope others benefit the way I did.”
Megan Knox, CAM Operations Manager, M&N Aviation
“As a busy corporate aviation executive and active line pilot, it can be difficult to find time during the day to self-study the vast amounts of information covered on the NBAA CAM exam. The NBAA Six Months to CAM program helped me commit to setting aside some time each day to study, and the bi-monthly web meetings brought those study sessions together to give me the structure and follow-up to my reading that I needed.
“Having a study group of fellow professional aviators to bounce ideas and questions off of also improved the process. Most importantly for me, the practice questions for each module, along with a full practice test, really helped me to prepare for the real-world CAM exam at the end of the program.
“I recommend that anyone who is serious about adding the CAM credential to their resume pursue it with NBAA’s assistance via the Six Months to CAM program.”
Rob Martin, CAM Director of Aviation, Orange County/Sunbird Aviation, LLC
“I am the poster child for what this program can do for those who have longed to attain the CAM credential. Becoming a CAM was a goal of mine for the previous five years, but despite the best of intentions, I could not seem to gain traction in this endeavor. The Six Months to CAM program will get you in position to be successful come exam time – if you follow the program and dedicate the time to consistently review the material. It’s not easy – nor was it designed to be – but I am living proof this program does work. The Six Months to CAM approach will ensure you gain a considerable amount of knowledge in all CAM disciplines and will also give you an excellent chance at success on the exam.”
Timothy Aldridge, CAM
Director of Maintenance, Northrop Grumman
“When I first heard of the NBAA CAM program a few years ago, I immediately recognized the professional value. I thought about it often, but when I weighed the commitment against free time and the seemingly overwhelming amount of study material, I hesitated to pull the trigger.
“After learning about the Six Months to CAM program from a colleague, I gathered that a structured program may be just what I needed. The Six Months to CAM program provides a schedule that is extremely flexible and methodically covers all the study material. Another impactful addition is the pairing of study groups. This was a very beneficial option while working through the material and for developing long-term networking.
“In the end, I highly recommend this program. It was the best professional development decision I’ve made during my 32 years in aviation.”
Don Brown, CAM Director of Maintenance, ThermoFisher Scientific
“The program is an excellent motivator for a procrastinator like myself. Even at nearly 40 years into my career, the program was essential to my success. The deadline for testing made it immediately evident there was a beginning and an end.
“The program also provides the organization and outline structure that clearly defines areas of focus and study. The study groups were hugely beneficial for some – an advantage of a dedicated program versus straight-up self-study.
“Lastly, the program provides access to additional NBAA study materials and video lectures by guest presenters that are only available through Six Months to CAM.
“The experience was well worth the expense.”
Mark S. Gallagher, CAM Senior Captain, Solarius Aviation
“The Six Months to CAM Program was invaluable to my prep for the CAM exam. Right out of the gate, the schedule took what seemed like an overwhelming goal and broke it down to very achievable building blocks. With such a wide scope of prep material, the hardest part is deciding where, when and how to start. Six Months to CAM made that part easy.
“Getting into the program, the people involved proved to be the biggest asset in my path to CAM. Encouragement from the NBAA staff, inspiration from the guest call-ins, commitment to the study group… all of this provided me with more motivation than I could ever dig up myself.
“Thanks for putting this program together. I hope others will find the same benefits I did as they work through their CAM journey!”
Matt Dieter, CAM Chief Pilot, Crescent Electric Supply Company
“I have spent over 30 years in the aviation industry, working under a number of authorities and also in a number of positions, such as dispatcher, operations manager, head of charter sales, safety officer/manager and pilot and others. The Six Month to CAM program brought all of those disciplines together and added a several others such as maintenance, leadership, HR and facilities operations that I had no real clue about.
“I now feel comfortable about having a meeting or conversations with a regulatory authority, a maintenance origination, company senior executives or even a client interested in owning/operating an aircraft under Part 91. I feel that I can take my place at any table with all levels of company executive management and talk with authority and confidence at an expert level of knowledge about the business aviation environment.
“The accreditation has, within just two short months, not only found me a new job, but also put me in a strong position for continuing professional development for years to come.”
Paul Kelham, CAM Captain, Priester Aviation
“I would recommend the Six Months to CAM program based on three key points. First: The course provided a structured curriculum that allowed participants to focus on specific topics of each week and still perform their daily employment responsibilities.
“Second: The subject matter refines and develops the candidate’s aviation knowledge base. It was impressive to discuss the weekly topics and apply them to the study group’s real world experiences.
“Third: The camaraderie and networking of the CAM alumni. The CAM alumni are a valuable aviation resource due to the group’s expansive backgrounds and eagerness to assist.
“I am honored to be part of the NBAA CAM alumni and assisting with growing corporate aviation around the world”
Ray Bennet, CAM Vice President – Sales, Four Corners Aviation
“As a captain and part of our management team, I recommend CAM program for several reasons. The CAM program was developed by NBAA, a recognized global leader in business aviation. It is accredited program with independent, third-party reviews, similar to Argus/IS-BAO, which the industry is accustomed to (i.e. trust, but verify).
“The Six Months to CAM program provides guidance on content review, but is flexible enough to work around the candidates’ life schedule.
“The CAM designation is an industry-recognized identifier for those who believe in continuing education.”
Stephen J. Myers, CAM Executive Vice President – Elite Jet Charters