Customer service representative at a counter helping a customer

Jan. 21, 2025

NBAA’s new Business Aviation Customer Service Certificate Program will give professionals the training and tools needed to boost loyalty among current customers, attract new business and distinguish their company from its competitors, according to experts from ServiceElements International, the company that helped design the program.

“Aviation is a very technically oriented industry, which can affect how people see their contribution,” said ServiceElements Facilitator and Strategist Tim Collins. “What we have to remember is that we are in the people business and that it doesn’t matter what you do, or at what level you are, we all work for a customer service organization and aircraft are the tools that we use.”

This service-centric relationship between a company and its customers can help provide clients a better experience, noted ServiceElements Vice President Lisa Archambeau, CAM. “Customer service is such a misunderstood skill. People think it’s how to answer the phone and how to smile, but it is really about the whole experience an organization provides, from the first contact with a customer to when the bill is paid. And that involves every single person in your organization.”

View a webinar about the program conducted by ServiceElements.

The Business Aviation Customer Service Certificate Program goes into detail about how everyone contributes to serving the customer and reinforces the idea that customer service is about adding value throughout the entire service cycle, Archambeau added.

The assessment-based certificate program structured around eight asynchronous learning modules will provide participants with introductory to mid-level training on the elements of exemplary customer service, specifically in the business aviation industry.

This program is ideal for people employed in all areas of business aviation, including Part 91 and 135 operators, FBO’s, MRO’s, OEM’s and technical and logistical support companies. Pilots, technicians, schedulers, customer service reps, account managers and others will gain insights and learn new ways to improve their customers’ experience.

Modules address a wide range of skills, ranging from communication and managing customers to the fundamentals of outstanding customer service and characteristics of poor service. Participants will also learn about the needs of today’s business aviation customers, how to manage customer expectations, how to build a collaborative team spirit and key strategies for handling challenging customer interactions.

The course is self-paced so participants can complete the program at their convenience within a six-month window. Those who complete the course and pass the final exam will be issued a digital certificate and awarded four points toward their Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) application or recertification.

Learn more about the NBAA Business Aviation Customer Service Certificate program.