Dec. 26, 2014

NBAA events will resume early in 2015, with programs focused on safety, evolving regulations, networking and continuing education.

The first major event of the new year will be the Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference (SDC2015), which will be held at San Jose’s McEnery Convention Center from Feb. 3 to 6. The conference will include a licensed dispatcher recurrent training program and professional development program workshops covering the scheduler and dispatcher function, aviation human factors, and developing a strategic vision, mission and goals.

NBAA will also host three Regional Forums in 2015. The first will be held on Feb. 19 at Palm Beach International Airport in West Palm Beach, FL. The event will bring current and prospective business aircraft owners, operators, manufacturers, customers and other industry personnel together for a one-day event. The agenda is scheduled to include education sessions on Florida’s sales and use taxes, a business advocacy update, inflight connectivity, and the insurance implications of moonlighting pilots. Later forums will be held on June 25 in Teterboro, NJ and Sept. 17 in St. Louis, MO.

NBAA’s Regional Forums.

Next on the NBAA calendar is the Leadership Conference, which is to be held Feb. 24 to 26 in Tucson, AZ. Business aviation leaders will discuss a variety of topics, including staffing needs and job-related training for aviation departments, a session that will be led by C. Daniel Prather, PhD. Other speakers are to include Rules of the Red Rubber Ball author Kevin Carroll, communication expert Bill Acheson, sports writer Ross Bernstein, corporate coach Dan Lier and former NFL quarterback and leadership expert Tom Flick.

NBAA Leadership Conference.

March will open with the NBAA Business Aircraft Finance, Registration & Legal Conference, to be held in Bonita Springs, FL, from March 1 to 3. Attendees arriving on the evening of March 1 can hear a keynote address by Nick Popovich of Sage-Popovich Inc., who was featured on the Discovery Channel’s reality TV show Airplane Repo. Other presenters will discuss FAA issues, the international aircraft registry, the Cape Town Convention, changes to lease accounting and more.

NBAA’s Business Aircraft Finance, Registration & Legal Conference.

From March 23 to 26, NBAA will host its 2015 International Operators Conference (IOC2015) in San Antonio, TX. In addition to a dedicated safety day, this year’s agenda will cover essential operational topics, such as near-term avionics mandates in many regions worldwide and new international regulatory requirements.