John and Martha King to Receive American Spirit Award at NBAA2009

Washington, DC – The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) today announced that aviation legends John and Martha King will be recognized with the Association’s American Spirit Award for representing business aviation before Congress and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

“NBAA is honored to present John and Martha with the 2009 NBAA American Spirit Award,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen. “They have long taken a leadership role in explaining directly to Washington policymakers why the business aviation community has so many concerns about the LASP. Their public testimonials underscore how important it is for the people in our industry to make their voices heard on our highest policy priorities.”

This year, the Kings have repeatedly expressed their concerns about the TSA’s proposed Large Aircraft Security Program (LASP) in public forums. Martha King recently testified before a hearing on the LASP by the House Subcommittee on Transportation Security and Infrastructure Protection. Earlier in the year, John King spoke at a public hearing on the LASP conducted by the TSA in Burbank, CA.

“What general aviation operators seek, and America needs, are measures that do not represent a needless sacrifice in liberty without benefit to society,” Martha King told the House panel at its July LASP hearing. “Let’s form an aviation rule-making committee to work together with industry to come up with a reasonable set of rules,” John King implored the TSA at its January LASP hearing.

“The business aviation community is pleased to recognize John and Martha for consistently stepping forward to outline the ways business aviation has led, not followed, on security enhancements,” Bolen said. “They have put forward the true face of business aviation, and its importance to companies of all sizes across the U.S.”

“We are honored to be able to participate,” said John King. “Business aviation is confronting a number of serious challenges, and we all need to help. It is important for Members of Congress and their staff to hear from the people in the business aviation community, who bring their operational authenticity to the dialogue.” Added Martha King: “With NBAA, we are represented by the very best. But, no matter how effective NBAA is, they can’t do it without support from everyone in business aviation.”

The Kings will receive their award, which recognizes individuals within business aviation who exemplify excellence and service to others, during NBAA’s 62nd Annual Meeting & Convention held October 20-22 in Orlando, FL.

The couple will also present at the Light Business Airplane Conference to be held at the Convention. Specifically, John and Martha will conduct an education session on October 21 geared for pilots of piston aircraft who are interested in learning more about transitioning to turbojet aircraft.

The Kings will share what they wish they had known before they bought and operated their first jet more than 20 years ago. They will reveal key aspects for transitioning pilots and operators, including how to buy a jet, and the surprises in store for operators who are maintaining a jet for the first time. The King’s presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

Founded in 1947 and based in Washington, DC, the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) is the leading organization for companies that rely on general aviation aircraft to help make their businesses more efficient, productive and successful. The Association represents more than 8,000 companies and provides more than 100 products and services to the business aviation community, including the NBAA Annual Meeting & Convention, the world’s largest civil aviation trade show. Learn more about NBAA at

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