NBAA Welcomes Three New Board Members

Contact: Dan Hubbard,

Washington, DC, Jan. 23, 2017 –  The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) today announced the election of three new members to the association’s Board of Directors.

Shelly Lesikar deZevallos, principal at Independent Mortgage Company, Inc.; Milt Hobbs, managing director of global aviation at JPMorgan Chase & Co.; and Mark McIntyre, chief pilot at Mente LLC, will each serve until the next annual meeting of members, where they will be eligible for election by the membership to full, three-year terms.

“These accomplished individuals bring to the Board of Directors decades of aviation experience, geographical diversity and a keen understanding of both the association and the issues affecting the business aviation community,” said Board Chairman Paul Anderson. “We’re excited to welcome Shelly, Milt and Mark, and we know that their unique perspectives on our industry will be a substantial benefit to NBAA’s Board and its membership.”

deZevallos is a principal at Independent Mortgage Company and president of West Houston Airport. She has served as member of the NBAA Local and Regional Group Committee and the Transportation Research Board, as well as being a founding member and current president of Texans for General Aviation. She is an active pilot with her glider, SEL and MEL ratings along with her IFR and commercial certificate, and has over 4,000 hours of flight time.

Hobbs became managing director of global aviation for JPMorgan Chase & Co., based out of Westchester, NY, in 2006. Prior to this, he had worked for various aviation companies during a 40-year aviation career that has seen him record more than 13,000 flight hours, write multiple FAA exemptions and visit more than 60 countries and all 50 states. Hobbs currently serves the general aviation community as chairman of the Westchester Aviation Association.

McIntyre brings more than 39 years of professional aviation experience to the board. As the chief pilot for Mente LLC, a Part 91 business aviation operation based in Seattle, WA, he has been a six-time speaker at the NBAA International Operations Conference, and was one of the first 22 Certified Aviation Managers (CAMs) recognized by NBAA. He is a founding member of the Pacific Northwest Business Aviation Association.

Review the full NBAA Board of Directors roster.

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Founded in 1947 and based in Washington, DC, the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) is the leading organization for companies that rely on general aviation aircraft to help make their businesses more efficient, productive and successful. The association represents more than 11,000 companies and provides more than 100 products and services to the business aviation community, including the NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition, the world’s largest civil aviation trade show. Learn more about NBAA at

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