May 11, 2015

Successfully advocating for business aviation does not always result in headlines, such as when potentially onerous legislation is averted, or when the community around an airport learns to appreciate its importance. But, for Stacy Howard, NBAA’s Western regional representative, working behind the scenes to attain the best outcomes for business aviation is all in a day’s work.
From coordinating with members of the California Legislature’s Aviation Caucus, which she was instrumental in forming, to speaking to civic associations, Howard’s days are spent working on behalf of business aviation in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Hawaii. Much of her success is unheralded, as it comes in the form of bringing groups together, facilitating partnerships and working collaboratively with a variety of interests.
“It’s my job to create and enhance an environment where business aviation can thrive,” said Howard.
Howard is an effective advocate for the industry because aviation is her passion, as well as her profession. “It changed me as a person, changed my life and gave me confidence,” she said of aviation.
Howard, who holds commercial and multi-engine pilot ratings, flies a V-tail Bonanza on many of her travels around her five-state territory, and wherever she goes, she makes time to visit schools to talk to students about business aviation careers, scholarships and internship opportunities.
Howard joined NBAA in June 2012, after spending 17 years with the Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association where she was responsible for extending the reach of the association into state and local public policy environment in Arizona, Nevada and Utah. In this role, she also worked closely with FAA, local officials and AOPA Government and Technical Affairs team to resolve issues. She has also served as director of student placement at Rice Aviation in Phoenix, AZ and as an aviation insurance agent in Tempe, AZ.
Accomplishments Out West
In California, in addition to helping establish the Aviation Caucus, Howard has helped organize the annual California Aviation Day at the state capitol in Sacramento, which educates legislators about aviation and airport issues. One example of how such advocacy pays off is a current proposal that would increase the spending of aviation fuel tax funds on aviation projects.
Howard also serves as the co-chair of the aviation committee of the Valley Industry and Commerce Association, a business advocacy organization in Southern California. In addition, she works closely with the Van Nuys Airport Association (VNAA) and the Long Beach Airport Association (LBAA).
“We rely on Stacy’s passion and focus to be a critical link to our regional efforts in making sure NBAA is connected to our advocacy work,” said Curt Castagna, president of VNAA and LBAA.
Howard is proud of helping to create what she calls “a new environment for aviation in Nevada.” Earlier this year, she co-sponsored the Nevada Business Aviation Association’s (NVBAA’s) Aviation & Aerospace Reception at the governor’s mansion, and organized a coffee social at the capitol, which brought together aviation stakeholders and legislators. And it was Howard “who inspired the formation of the Nevada Business Aviation Association,” said NVBAA President Reza Karamooz.
In Arizona, Howard is aligned closely with the Arizona Business Aviation Association, and is working to establish a state aviation caucus and restore aviation tax revenues to the state aviation fund. She also is coordinating with the governor’s office to clarify tax policy related to air charter.
I like working with aviation groups because they are made up of people who are passionate as I am about flying,” said Howard. “The most rewarding part of my job is when I am able to bring together the forces that influence our industry, and guide the narrative in a way that assures a strong and vibrant future for our aviation community.”