Turboprop aircraft have one or more gas-turbine engines connected to a gearbox that turns the propeller(s), to move the aircraft on the ground and through the air. Turboprop aircraft burn Jet-A fuel, are frequently larger than piston-powered aircraft, can carry more payload and passengers than their piston-powered counterparts and can typically fly higher than pistons, at altitudes up to 35,000 feet. Turboprop aircraft have lower operating costs than jets because they burn less fuel, but they are also slower than jets. Turboprops are an attractive option for businesses that need to fly missions requiring 600-1,000 miles of travel between general aviation airports that often have runways too short to accommodate jets. These aircraft vary in size, but the interior of a typical turboprop is the size of a large SUV, seats 6-8 people, and is often configured similar to a small office, where co-workers can meet and make productive use of time en route to a destination.
Manufacturers of turboprop aircraft include the following companies: