NBAA’s PDP Course Directory helps members of the aviation community explore the wealth of learning opportunities offered by the Association’s Professional Development Program. Through enrollment in PDP courses, instructors with real-world experience in the business aviation industry provide students with quality instruction to help them increase their professional knowledge and advance their career goals.
A range of customized PDP courses are offered by NBAA and other education providers year-round at convenient locations across the country, as well as via distance and online learning – ideal for professionals in a fast-moving industry like business aviation.
The annual PDP Course Directory is an essential publication for business aviation professionals in planning their career development. It lists PDP courses offered by both NBAA and other approved educational providers, with details on course dates, locations and descriptions.
The current list of educational providers offering PDP-approved courses is provided below. For more information:
View the list of upcoming PDP courses.
All Available PDP Courses Listed by Provider
If you are unable to make it to one of the published NBAA courses, or if you don’t find the objective you need through an NBAA course, the following approved PDP providers offer courses throughout the year at locations nationwide. Contact the individual training organizations and educational institutions listed below for the latest course details. (Provider information subject to change.)
Contact: Walter Kraujalis
Tel: (201)535-8695
Email: walterkraujalis@gmail.com
Web: www.aeronomx.com
- Human Resources Management for Aviation (HR6)
- NBAA Flight Operations Manual Workshop (Ops1, Ops4)
- NBAA Management Fundamentals for Flight Departments Workshop (L2,L3)
AeroTechna Solutions
Contact: Claire Beauchemin
Tel: 770-514-7241
Email: ctbeauchemin@aerotechna.com
Web: www.aerotechna.com
- Technical Operations Manual Workshop (T8)
Advanced Aircrew Academy
Contact: Dan Boedigheimer, Ph.D.
Tel: 719-488-5566
Email: dan@aircrewacademy.com
Web: www.aircrewacademy.com/
- International Procedures Course (Ops7)
- Human Performance (HR8)
- Safety Manager (Ops6)
Aviation Secure Inc.
Contact: Kris Cannon
Tel: 661-607-3473
Email: kcannon@aviationsecureusa.com
Web: www.aviationsecureusa.com
- Aviation Security and Awareness Training (Ops7 and Ops9)
Aviation Training Solutions
Contact: Dr. C. Daniel Prather
Tel: 951-902-9206
Email: daniel@dprather.com
Web: www.dprather.com
- Developing Strategic Vision, Mission and Goals in Business Aviation (L1,L2)
- Effective Leadership in Business Aviation (L3)
- Enhancing Productivity through Business Aviation (BM1)
- Staffing Needs and Job-Related Training for Aviation Departments (HR1,HR2)
- Safety Management Systems (SMS) for Business Aviation (Ops6)
- Strategic Leadership (L4, L5)
Contact: William Bartholomae
Tel: 858-480-1655
Email: info@avbrite.com
Web: www.avbrite.com/safety-training
- SMS: A Safety Course for Leaders (Ops5)
Aviem International, Inc.
Contact: Dr. Carolyn V. Coarsey
Tel: 404-881-2819
Email: carolyn@higherresources.com
Web: www.aviem.com
- Emergency Planning for Business Aviation (Ops5)
Baldwin Safety & Compliance
Contact: Lynn Moore
Tel: 843-342-5434
Email: support@baldwinaviation.com
Web: www.baldwinvirtualtraining.com
- Human Factors (HR8)
- Leading Through IS-BAO (Ops4)
- Preparing for the Worst: Emergency Response Planning (Ops5)
Convergent Performance, LLC
Contact: Shae Comstock
Tel: 719-481-0530
Email: 411@convergentperformance.com
Web: www.convergentperformance.com
Dr. Shari L. Frisinger
Contact: Shari LeDonne Frisinger
Tel: 281-701-6046
Email: drshari4136@outlook.com
Web: https://sajetsolutions.com/dr-shari
- Reinforcing a Strategic and Safety Focused Mindset (L1)
- Goal Achievement (L2)
- Dynamics of Empowered Leadership (L3)
- Cultivating and Enhancing Your Leadership Effectiveness (L4)
- Strengthening Your Safety Culture with Performance Evaluations (HR4)
Delta P
Contact: Dudley Crosson
Tel: 772-359-3680
Email: dcrosson@delta-p.com
Web: www.delta-p.com
- Human Factors for Business Aviation Operations (HR9)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU)
Contact: ERAU Worldwide
Tel: 386-481-9070
Email: training@erau.edu
Web: ERAU CAMC Program Website
- CE2123 – (L3)
- CE2124 – (BM1, L2)
- CE2133 – (OPS3)
- CE2122 – (L3)
- CE2111 – (BM1)
- CE2141 – (HR1)
- CE2142 – (HR2)
- CE2144 – (HR4, HR6)
Contact: Mark Bingamon
Tel: 972-456-8000
Email: mark.bingamon@cae.com
Web: www.cae.com
- Aviation Human Factors (HR9)
- Aviation Interpersonal Management (L3,L4)
- Aviation Resource Management (L6)
- Introduction to Aviation Safety Management System (Ops4)
Grey Owl Aviation Consultants, Inc.
Contact: Richard Komarniski
Tel: 204-848-7353
Email: richard@greyowl.com
Web: www.greyowl.com
- Human Factors (HR9)
International Business Aviation Council (IBAC)
Contact: Katherine Hilst
Tel: 514-954-8054
Email: khilst@ibac.org
Web: www.ibac.org
- Fundamentals of IS-BAO Workshop (Ops4)
Contact: Valerie Ericson
Tel: 202-499-3834
Email: vericson@jetlaw.com
Web: www.jetlaw.com
- Regulatory Compliance and Documentation (BM2)
- Human Resources in the Corporate Flight Department (HR1, HR3, HR5, HR7)
Moore Life Leadership
Contact: Scott A. Moore, CAM
Tel: 804-314-6313
Email: scott@moorelifelead.com
Web: moorelifeleadership.com
- Aviation Leadership – L1, L2, L3
- Leading with a Vision – L1, L2
National Business Aviation Association
Contact: Molly Hitch
Tel: 202-783-9353
Email: mhitch@nbaa.org
Web: www.nbaa.org/pdp
- Flight Operations Manual Workshop (Ops1, Ops4)
- Management Fundamentals for Flight Departments Workshop (L2,L3)
- Organizational Risk Management (BM8)
- Technical Operations Manual Workshop (T8)
Ohio University
Contact: Theresa Meyer
Tel: 740-597-2696
Email: meyert@ohi.edu
Web: www.ohio.edu/engineering/aviation
- AVN 480 – Business in Aviation (BM1)
Contact: Dr.Daniel Prather,A.A.E., CAM
Tel: 951-902-9206
Email: daniel@dprather.com
Web: www.pdpcredit.com
- L1: Vision, Mission, and Values(L1)
- L2: Goal Setting (L2)
- L3: Effective Leadership (L3)
- L4: Enhanced Professionalism (L4)
- L5: Change Management(L5)
- HR1: Optimum Staffing (HR1)
- HR2: Employee Training (HR2)
- HR3: Staffing Functions (HR3)
- HR4: Performance Reviews (HR4)
- HR5: Compensation Evaluation (HR5)
- HR6: Rewards and Discipline (HR6)
- HR7: HR Regulatory Compliance (HR7)
- HR8: Human Factors (HR8)
- BM1: Value Proposition (BM1)
- BM2: Aircraft Ownership (BM2)
- BM3: Financial Management (BM3)
- BM4: Strategic Management (BM4)
- BM5: Information Management (BM5)
- BM6: Asset Efficiency (BM6)
- BM7: Sustainability (BM7)
- BM8: Risk Management (BM8)
- AF1: Standard Operating Procedures (AF1)
- AF2: Aircraft Maintenance (AF2)
- AF3: Facility Emergency Planning (AF3)
- AF4: Cabin Service (AF4)
- AF5: Aircraft Parts Management (AF5)
- AF6: Facility Security (AF6)
- Ops1: Standard Operating Procedures (Ops1)
- Ops2: Flight Operations (Ops2)
- Ops3: Record Keeping (Ops3)
- Ops4: IS-BAO (Ops4)
- Ops5: Emergency Planning (Ops5)
- Ops6: Safety Management Systems (Ops6)
- Ops7: Airspace and International Operations (Ops7)
- Ops8: Security (Ops8)
- Ops9: Resource Management (Ops9)
Satcom Direct, Inc.
Contact: Mark Whitson
Tel: 321-525-6584
Email: training@satcomdirect.com
Web: www.satcomdirect.com
- Cybersecurity Risk Management for Flight Departments (BM5, BM8, AF4)
Contact: Bob Hobbi
Tel: 480-538-0123
Email: bhobbi@serviceelements.com
Web: www.serviceelements.com
- Capitalize on Human Resources (PM4)
- Creating and Leading an Invaluable Service Culture (L3)
- Effective Leadership in Aviation (L5)
- Next Level Service and Operation Excellence: Effective Teamwork and Strategic Goal Management (BM4)
- Highly Effective Teams at Work (BM6)
- Recognizing Resource Management Techniques and Principles (Ops9)
Sinclair Community College
Contact: Walt Davis or Phil Roberts
Tel: 937-512-2242
Email: walt.davis@sinclair.edu
Web: www.sinclair.edu
- AVT-144 – Principles of Aviation Leadership (L1,L2)
- Introduction to Business Aviation (BM1)
The Daedalus Group
Contact: Bob Mason
Tel: 505-453-5266
Email: bob@dleadershipgroup.com
Web: www.dleadershipgroup.com
- Planning to Excel (L1)
- Leadership for Aviation Professionals (L2)
- Enhanced Leadership for Aviation Professionals (L2 and L3)
Universal Weather & Aviation, Inc.
Contact: Gary Martin
Tel: 713-378-8129
Email: garym@univ-wea.com
Web: www.universalweather.com
- Essentials in Scheduling & Dispatch for Business Aviation(Ops2)
University of Central Missouri
Contact: Dr. John Horine
Tel: 660-543-4455
Email: www.ucmo.edu
Web: www.ucmo.edu
- AVI 4430 – Corporate Aviation Management (BM1, BM2)
Unmanned Safety Institute
Contact: Michelle Dina
Tel: 407-499-2059
Email: michelle.dina@unmannedsafetyinstitute.org
Web: usi.matrixlms.com/remotepilot
- sUAS Safety Ground School (Ops7, Ops9)