NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE)
NBAA-BACE is the world’s largest civil aviation trade show, ranking among the top ten trade shows in the U.S. by Tradeshow Week 200 magazine, and serving as the premier event and annual meeting place for the business aviation community.
The exhibition brings together a global community of business leaders, government officials, manufacturers, aviation department personnel, single-pilot operations and all manner of people involved in nearly every aspect of business aviation. New business aircraft firms, avionics firms, handling organizations, fractional providers, charter/lease companies and previously titled aircraft resellers display their wares.
The show is a highly valued venue for buying and selling, networking and sharing information about industry issues, trends and best practices.
NBAA-BACE typically features more than 800 exhibiting companies, 70 aircraft on display, and it draws about 20,000 registered attendees.
NBAA members are eligible for discounts on all of NBAA’s events.
Air Mail
NBAA Air Mail is the association’s members-only social network for collaboration and discussion on topics of interest to business aircraft operators. With Air Mail, members have access to a network of business aviation professionals offering instant answers to questions, and sharing knowledge on topics from industry best-practices to airport and aircraft improvements; from air traffic control and navigation to fuel allocations, FBOs or any topic relevant to the group. Air Mail includes groups focused on specific business aviation careers and topics, such as maintenance, pilots, schedulers & dispatchers, and more. Thousands of subscribers use Air Mail to network and share the wealth of knowledge available within the business aviation community.
Charter Availability Group
The NBAA Charter Availability group was created as a clearinghouse for NBAA members to post available trips (i.e. empty legs) and request trip quotes. Available exclusively to NBAA members, the NBAA Charter Availability group has become an essential resource to Part 135 air charter operators and brokers.
Regional Forums
NBAA’s Regional Forums offer members the opportunity to network with peers at the local level throughout the year. Held in various cities throughout the country, these events feature informative briefings on timely topics, indoor exhibits and outdoor business aircraft displays. Exhibitors and Attendees can meet with sales prospects and colleagues who share concerns and ideas relative to their particular geographic region.
Member Directory
The NBAA member directory is the most comprehensive listing of aviation products, services and industry-contact information available anywhere. With more than 10,000 members companies, this resource represents the largest concentration of buying power in business aviation today. This networking tool is available online, giving NBAA members access to thousands of business aviation professionals on a global scale in real time, 24/7.
NBAA Standing Committees
Made up of committed, talented and knowledgeable volunteers, NBAA’s standing committees work together on behalf of NBAA membership to promote business aviation safety, access, professional development, operational excellence and security. By participating on NBAA standing committees, business aviation professionals can make a big impact on the future of the industry and work closely with the community’s best and brightest.
NBAA Advisory Council
The Advisory Council is a representative group of NBAA’s Business Members, established as a standing committee in 1973. The Advisory Council’s purpose is to advise the Board of Directors on Business Member interests, government representation, industry programs, communication efforts and educational initiatives.