July 28, 2017
As the debate over ATC privatization continues in Washington, DC, NBAA remains dedicated to communicating the business aviation community’s opposition to the concept, which would essentially hand over the nation’s ATC system to a private group, unaccountable to Congress.
As part of its work, NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen has been giving numerous interviews to national radio networks and shows, explaining why NBAA and so many other individuals and organizations remain opposed to H.R. 2997, a House bill containing provisions for ATC privatization.
For example, on July 26, Bolen explained to Lars Larson, host of the nationally syndicated The Lars Larson Show, why ATC privatization, as outlined in H.R. 2997, is contrary to principles held by conservatives, who might typically like the notion of privatizing other government functions.
“This is not a situation where it is true privatization,” Bolen told Larson’s 350,000 listeners. “What we’re talking about here is taking an air traffic control monopoly – it is a monopoly and always will be a monopoly – taking this public asset and turning it over to a private board of 13 special interest groups. That is not a conservative principal, and we think it is a very dangerous principle.”
Hear Bolen’s appearance on the Lars Larson show in its entirety.
In another recent interview, Bolen made similar points to listeners of Westwood One News Radio, which reaches 245 million people each week through 447 owned-and-operated stations in 90 U.S. media markets, more than 8,000 broadcast radio affiliates and numerous digital channels. “Those who oversee monopolies use it to keep out competition, to keep out innovation,” Bolen told John Stolnis, executive editor and reporter for Westwood One.
Hear Bolen’s Westwood One interview in its entirety.
Earlier, on July 7, Bolen outlined NBAA’s position on ATC privatization to listeners of Bloomberg Radio. “We would argue the public’s airspace belongs to the public and the monopoly should serve the public,” he said.
Hear Bolen’s Bloomberg Radio interview in its entirety.
Bolen’s work to set the record straight with radio listeners comes as the airlines are running paid radio ads in multiple markets, which explicitly mischaracterize business aviation as part of their message promoting their ATC privatization bill.
Hear a sample ad mischaracterizing business aviation.