Dec. 13, 2021
MITRE Corporation’s Pacer app allows operators and FAA ATC facilities to capture operational demand at the following eight airports in Colorado ski country.
- Aspen (ASE)
- Eagle County (EGE)
- Grand Junction (GJT)
- Gunnison (GUC)
- Yampa Valley (HDN)
- Montrose (MTJ)
- Rifle-Garfield (RIL)
- Telluride (TEX)
“It is a situational awareness tool that can provide the dates and times of peak activities at these airports,” said Dean Snell, manager of NBAA Air Traffic Services.
The accuracy of the information depicted in Pacer depends on the information provided by the operators using these airports, he added. “NBAA encourages its members to employ the Pacer app so it provides the most accurate information when using these airports.”
Pacer improves situational awareness for pilots by depicting how busy the airport will be at the intended departure day and time, and allows pilots to submit updated departure times that Pacer uses to create a more accurate picture of demand.
Learn more about the Pacer app.
Pacer is not a reservation or slot assignment system. Pilots submit their estimated departure times, updating them as flight planning progresses. This data is added to that of other operators to compile the airport demand charts. Pacer’s ATC view allows traffic managers to see more detailed information.
Once logged in, pilots submit their departure intent and provide their call sign, origin, and destination, and then select their intended taxi time. To provide Pacer with the most current and accurate flight demand data, pilots must update or revise any changes to their arrival or departure times.
Another menu item selects the Demand Chart, and swiping left or right changes the timeframe being viewed. The rate line indicates the expected combined arrival and departure capacity the selected airport can handle. Operators can also access actual flight data at the participating airport; that provides an accurate snapshot on how airport demand compares to both arrival and departure capacity.
For more information about Pacer, and scan the QR code to sign up for the free app, or visit MITRE Pacer Departure Readiness.