NBAA Opposes the Plan – You Can, Too
Updated March 28, 2024
The administration’s rhetoric and regulatory proposals regarding business aviation are raising deep concerns for NBAA and the business aviation community.
- In his March 7 State of the Union address, President Biden referenced troubling new tax proposals for business aviation.
- The President’s comments reflected specific policies for the industry issued by the White House earlier the same day.
- The administration then followed through with onerous proposals in its annual budget plan that single out the industry for punitive tax treatment, including a five-fold fuel tax increase on business aviation, to $1.06 per gallon, and a change to the depreciation schedule for a purchased business aircraft, from 5 years to 7 years.
- The White House agenda includes a sweeping plan unveiled by the IRS for audits on companies using business aircraft, to ensure that “everyone is playing by the same rules.”
NBAA Responds
NBAA has long understood the need for an immediate, forceful response to an attack like this one, and the association has repeatedly denounced the administration’s plans for business aviation.
“Business aviation is an industry that is essential to America’s economy and transportation system. It supports jobs, connects communities, helps companies succeed and provides humanitarian lift in times of crisis. This is an industry that should be promoted, not pilloried.”
Ed Bolen NBAA President and CEO
News outlets including the ABC News, Forbes, The Hill, Politico, Reuters, The Washington Post, and dozens of others have covered NBAA’s comments. NBAA has also banded with seven other aviation and labor organizations in sending a group letter to House and Senate leaders detailing how its proposals would be harmful to the entire general aviation community. The Alliance for Aviation Across America, which represents more than 7,000 grassroots voices, has also mobilized its members.
What You Can Do
It is imperative that NBAA members echo the association’s message, because Congress will ultimately consider any changes to aircraft taxes or depreciation schedules the administration might offer. Here are four steps you can take.
Mobilize With NBAA’s Grassroots Action Center
Tell Congress today to stand up for business aviation and the economy! NBAA’s Grassroots Action Center allows you to send a customizable message to your Senators and House Representative. It only takes minutes to send a message. There is strength in numbers, so please take action and share with your network. We need Congress to hear your voice today!
Share the Message on Social Media
Help NBAA set the record straight on business aviation’s value by sharing these graphics with your network on social media. This is an industry that should be promoted, not pilloried. Be sure to use #bizavworks.
Attend the 2024 NBAA Business Aviation Taxes Seminar
May 15, 2024 in Dallas, TX, the NBAA Business Aviation Taxes Seminar will have the latest information on the administration’s proposals, as well as strategies to identify and address tax and regulatory issues involved in business aviation operations and transactions.
Get the Facts
NBAA’s website is an authoritative source on tax policies, SEC regulations and other requirements for business aircraft utilization. Review NBAA’s tax resources, including the following:
- NBAA’s Federal Tax Resource
- NBAA’s State Tax Resource
- NBAA’s SEC Compliance Considerations
- NBAA’s Personal Use of Business Aircraft Handbook
- Valuing Non-Business Flights
In the News
“It does not really make sense that we have a proposal that would lengthen depreciation schedules for an industry that is so important to America’s manufacturing base, its exports. And really every community around the country depends on business aviation for economic development.”
Ed Bolen NBAA President and CEO
Aviation Week’s BCA Podcast, March 28, 2024
“When you look at the business aviation industry, what you will see clearly and unequivocally is that this is an industry that employs over a million people, including manufacturing jobs, pilot jobs….”
Ed Bolen NBAA President and CEO
CBC Radio, March 27, 2024
“We haven’t seen any real justification on why an important and essential American industry is being targeted for tax increases. Proposals have been made, impressions may have been left and we would like to understand the facts behind it.”
Ed Bolen NBAA President and CEO
The New York Times, March 21, 2024
“This is an industry that should be promoted, not pilloried.”
Ed Bolen NBAA President and CEO
Associated Press, March 11, 2024
“The National Business Aviation Association pushed back against Biden’s speech, with President Ed Bolen saying business jets are ‘essential’ to America’s economy, supporting jobs and connecting communities.”
Politico, March 11, 2024
“The National Business Aviation Association objected to President Biden’s speech, saying he had ‘unfairly chosen to target those who use business aviation.’”
Forbes, March 8, 2024
“Of course, every American business should pay the taxes they owe, but President Biden has unfairly chosen to target those who use business aviation, even though the vast majority of flights are taken by U.S. companies to help them compete effectively in a global marketplace.”
Ed Bolen NBAA President and CEO
Aviation Week, March 7, 2024
“NBAA President Ed Bolen said there’s no evidence those who use corporate aircraft are avoiding taxes and that they’re such important productivity tools that some Cabinet secretaries use them to efficiently get to places not well served by airlines.”
AVweb, March 8, 2024