Use the form below to donate an item for the 2022 NBAA-BACE Maintenance Pavilion Silent Auction.

Contributions to the silent auction are in the form of the proceeds realized from the sale of the donor’s donation at the auction. All ownership rights and title to equipment shall remain with the donor up to, and until, the donor or its agent transfers title to the successful bidder.

Donor shall be responsible for the costs of delivery of the item to the 2022 NBAA-BACE at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL. Additional information about shipping will be available August 2022.

Review the Silent Auction Donor Rules.

If you have any questions about the 2022 NBAA-BACE Maintenance Pavilion Silent Auction, contact NBAA’s Stewart D’Leon at

Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, eps, Max. file size: 50 MB.

Delivery of Donated Items(Required)

Any person who attends an NBAA convention, conference, seminar or other program grants permission to NBAA, its employees and agents (collectively "NBAA") to record his or her visual/audio images, including, but not limited to, photographs, digital images, voices, sound or video recordings, audio clips, or accompanying written descriptions, and, without notifying such person, to use his or her name and such images for any purpose of NBAA, including advertisements for NBAA and its programs.