NBAA’s convention is the perfect venue for first-time exhibitors to showcase their products and introduce themselves to the world of business aviation. NBAA offers a variety of benefits to first-time exhibitors to help them increase their visibility and ensure they get the greatest value from their first experience at NBAA-BACE.

First-Time Exhibitor Pavilion

The First-Time Exhibitor Pavilion provides a centralized location where attendees can find companies new to NBAA-BACE. This location will include first-time exhibitors with 100-square-foot and 200-square-foot exhibits, as well as exhibitors who have selected the First-time Exhibitor Turnkey Option.

First-time Exhibitor Turnkey Option

The First-time Exhibitor Turnkey Option offers an easy and economical way to have a professional display at NBAA-BACE, the world’s premier business aviation event.

Limited space is available, so be sure to submit your application and payment by the priority deadline, March 18, 2022, to be included in the priority exhibit space placement process.

Each turnkey unit includes:

  • Back wall graphic – 38.65″ x 53.47″
  • Counter logo graphic – 47.9″ x 39″
  • White locking counter – 3.28′ wide
  • Two black limerick stools
  • Grey carpet
  • Electricity – 500 watt outlet
  • Cleaning – nightly
  • Literature rack
  • Labor – installation and dismantling
  • Two exhibitor badges

View the First-time Exhibitor Turnkey Option Graphic Specs

Note: If back wall and counter logo graphics are not received by the Monday, Sept. 12, 2022, deadline, a 25% surcharge for printing expenses will be assessed.

Carpet Discount

First-time exhibitors who do not choose the First-time Exhibitor Turnkey Option can receive a discounted rate on carpet when ordered from Freeman by the advance order deadline.

First-time Exhibitor Helpful Hints

All exhibitors participating at NBAA-BACE for the first time receive a series of targeted emails offering helpful hints to assist in their planning for and management of their booth at the show.

First-Time Exhibitor Ribbons

These eye-catching ribbons can be added to your badge to identify you as one of NBAA’s newest exhibitors.

Highlighted Company Name in NBAA-BACE Exhibitor Directory

First-time exhibitors’ company names will be highlighted in the exhibitor directory to ensure that attendees know that they’re first-time exhibitors.

For more information on becoming a first-time exhibitor at business aviation’s premier event, contact the NBAA Exhibits team at

Any person who attends an NBAA convention, conference, seminar or other program grants permission to NBAA, its employees and agents (collectively "NBAA") to record his or her visual/audio images, including, but not limited to, photographs, digital images, voices, sound or video recordings, audio clips, or accompanying written descriptions, and, without notifying such person, to use his or her name and such images for any purpose of NBAA, including advertisements for NBAA and its programs.