NBAA Welcomes Congressional Proposals To Restore General Aviation Access To Washington Reagan National Airport

Contact: Dan Hubbard at (202) 783-9360 or

Washington, DC, February 17, 2005 – The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) today welcomed the introduction of House and Senate legislative proposals requiring the Departments of Homeland Security and Transportation to re-open Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport to general aviation aircraft operators. Representatives Tom Davis (R-11-VA) and Jim Moran (D-8-VA) introduced a proposal today, as did Sen. George Allen (R-VA).

“The introduction of the proposals by Congressmen Davis and Moran and Senator Allen shows that, while this is a new congress, it remains focused on an old issue: restoring access for general aviation to Washington National Airport,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen. “We look forward to working with these leaders and their colleagues on legislation that allows general aviation operators to return to National Airport in a secure and reasonable manner.”

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Founded in 1947, NBAA serves its 7,400 Member Companies by promoting the aviation interests of organizations utilizing business aircraft in the United States and worldwide. The association provides more than 100 products and services to the business aviation community, including the NBAA Annual Meeting & Convention, the world’s largest civil aviation trade show. Learn more about NBAA at