In 1987, NBAA created the John P. “Jack” Doswell Award to honor high standards for lifelong individual achievement on behalf and in support of the aims, goals and objectives of business aviation. This award is considered each year but is given only when a deserving candidate is identified. Recipients have included leaders from every part of the business aviation community. Review the list of Doswell Award winners.

Who Is Eligible for the Award?

Candidates for the Doswell Award must be current or former employees of an NBAA member company. They must demonstrate a long, continuous history of volunteer service on committees, groups, clubs, etc. in the field of aviation, with particular emphasis on organizations that deal with issues of importance to business aviation. Active participation on the NBAA Board or on an NBAA Standing Committee is preferred.

About John P. Doswell

The NBAA John P. “Jack” Doswell Award was named for a remarkable man whose gifts inspired a high standard of involvement in the business aviation community. The award honors those who have an exceptional record of volunteer service in the field of business aviation, like Jack Doswell did.

Jack Doswell

In the early years of his aviation career, Jack Doswell was a B-24 combat pilot in World War II and flew C-54s during the Berlin Airlift. In the 1950’s, he served as chief pilot of the Special Air Mission Squadron in Washington, DC, where he was responsible for the professional standards of the world’s most select group of military transport pilots. He subsequently served at the Pentagon as an air operations staff officer. After retiring from the U.S. Air Force in 1966, he became director of flight operations for Flight Safety International, managing their flight and ground training programs. At that time he was also an executive pilot for Pan American Airways.

In 1969, Doswell founded the flight department for American Standard, Inc., managing their jet aircraft operations throughout the world. After an attack of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in 1973, he was left with limited use of his hands and feet, but he regained his FAA physical by demonstrating his cockpit ability, and he flew various general aviation aircraft. He held airline transport and certified flight instructor ratings with more than 14,000 flying hours in over 100 types of aircraft. In his later years, he worked as an aviation management consultant.

As a member of NBAA’s Airspace/Air Traffic Committee, which he also chaired from 1973 to 1978, Doswell worked voluntarily on behalf of NBAA and with the FAA to address many airspace issues. He also served on NBAA’s Operations Committee and promoted noise abatement procedures through his work chairing the Noise Subcommittee of the NBAA Airports Committee. Additionally, as president of the Westchester County Pilots Association in New York, he worked with representatives of neighboring communities to improve relations and their understanding of aviation safety and noise conditions. He was a founder, board member and vice president of the Westchester Aviation Association, and he later served on the board of the Sarasota Pilots Association in Florida.

Doswell held an MBA from the University of Connecticut and a BS from the University of Maryland, and he was a graduate of the Royal Air Force Staff College. He died of brain cancer in 1987 at the age of 64.

The Nomination Process

NBAA annually requests nominations for the Doswell Award. The NBAA Nominating & Governance Committee reviews the nominations and recommends an appropriate nominee to the NBAA Board of Directors. The Board then selects the recipient, who is officially recognized at the NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition.

All nominations sent to NBAA should include the following material:

  • A letter from the nominator introducing the nominee and explaining why he or she is eligible. This document serves as the nominator’s letter of reference.
  • The nominee’s professional biography and/or resume describing the nominee’s education, employment, accomplishments and honors.
  • Any supporting documents, including copies of newspaper clippings, publications and articles related to the nominee.

Additional letters of reference from persons other than the nominator are optional.

To nominate someone who meets the eligibility criteria, assemble a nomination package according to the instructions above and mail it to NBAA by the published deadline.

The Nomination Deadline

Call for Applications:
Nominations for the 2025 award must be received by Jan. 17, 2025.

Send all materials for this award to:

Attn: Benjamin Schwalen
1200 G Street NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005

John P. “Jack” Doswell Award Winners