May 13, 2020
On a May 12 webinar hosted by the International Aircraft Dealers Association (IADA), NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen outlined underscored the essential role of business aviation in America, and outlined the association’s work to support the industry, in terms of advocacy and operational resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We are an industry that generates jobs, has an enormous economic impact and really serves as a vital link in our nation’s transportation chain,” Bolen said during IADA’s second-quarter State of the Industry webinar. “Everything our industry can do to promote the reality of who we are is a positive thing,
By way of example, Bolen detailed the beneficial provisions for business aviation, which NBAA advocated for, and were included in the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act, as well as a separate FAA Special Federal Aviation Regulation, which together provide a host of provisions to help people and companies in the industry in this highly challenging COVID-19 moment.
As Congress considers another COVID-relief package, NBAA is asking members to join in the association’s call for fuel taxes paid by non-commercial operators to be suspended through 2020.
“What we have found is that when we make our size and significance felt on Capitol Hill, legislators will listen. I urge everybody to use our Contact Congress resource to be engaged in the democratic process; it’s really something that we can do to shape our destiny.” Use Contact Congress to reach your elected representative.
Bolen noted that, in addition to NBAA’s work in Washington’s legislative and regulatory arenas, the association has introduced new resources to address members’ specific COVID-19 operational concerns. For example, a new, free NBAA Insider Daily news service delivers the day’s most important business aviation news and information from the association and other trusted sources, every weekday morning. The thrice-weekly NBAA News Hour series features experts in the operational, medical, technical and other professions to answer members’ most-pressing COVID-19 questions. Additionally, NBAA’s website offers the most recent information and guidance, all in one place: nbaa.org/coronavirus.
“As we work very hard to get information out, we are equally focused on outcomes in the legislative and regulatory environment, to try to make sure our industry, to the extent possible, can thrive,” Bolen said.